Saturday, September 29, 2018

MORE Moon Base Klaisus - STC -Ryza Pattern Ruins

I finished up the STC-Ryza Pattern Ruins that came with the Moon Base Klaisus box set.

These are all the wall bits that came with the boxed set. The was also a crate with the  Inquisition symbol on it (who knows what they could be storing in there) and trapdoor/access hatch (which, I have just realized, I haven't yet painted... so this isn't TOTALLY done!?)

I tried to do them in buildings sets with separate colours - for a little variety.

As I was setting this out on the kitchen table to take pics (too big to set up outside in the better light...) Finnegan noted that there probably ought to be rubble as there weren't many weapons that would destroy walls, but leave no detritus behind... I agreed, but pointed out GW was probably trying to find a balance between "realism" and "playability" (and cost!).

I figure this represents the remaining terrain that matters in the game - the stuff that gives real cover (although, arguably, piles of rubble could also give cover) but to model all that would make the set very expansive and require a much bigger box and make it difficult to maneuver models over it. We're not building a diorama here - just trying to play a GAME!

I do like these ruins. There is a lot of little details on the wall that fell somewhere between "fun" and "annoying" to paint... Maybe closer to "annoying", but I think they look pretty sharp now that they're finally done. Not that you can see a lot of it in these pictures, due to the crap lighting... but trust me, it's there...

This is the entire Moon Base Klaisus board with all the STC-Ryza Pattern Ruins I have. the full board is  5'5" × 3'7" (a little less than the "standard" 6'x4' table size). The ruins I have on the board here is the walls that came with the set PLUS an additional box of STC-Ryza Pattern Ruins - and it STILL doesn't really cover the entire board with much terrain. I could probably do with a second set of Ryza Patter Ruins...

For now, however, there is plenty to set up a 4-player board for Kill Team (which only uses half of the Moon Base Klaisus board -which is conveniently made out of four smaller boards that are butted together to make the larger board - each board is about 32.5" x 21.5" - about the same size as a Kill Team board). Especially when I throw in some Sector Mechanicus Terrain and some Sector Munitorum Terrain.

Looks like there will be lots of room for everyone to maneuver a round in... and lots of bits of terrain to hide in!

Which will suck for the more shooty teams that would rather stay OUT of close combat... like my Tallarn!

All of the terrain here is GW terrain.

Now to actually PLAY SOME GAMES!!!

I tried to arrange a few games this past week. But they all sort of fell through... which has been a bit of a drag...

Maybe this weekend.

I still have a pile of Sector Mechanicus and Sector Imperialis terrain to paint up! I also have a bit more Munitorum terrain to assemble and paint - a could more galvanic servo haulers, two more shipping containers and a PILE of crates and boxes.

As this is enough terrain for the game I'm running at ToonCon in two weeks (TWO WEEKS!), I need to shift gears and finish up the Kill Teams I wanted to have. Oh, I could run the game tomorrow with Kill Teams I CURRENTLY have, but there are a couple of different ones I'd LIKE to have available to play with. My plan it to take Drukhari (assuming Amanda will let me use HER Kill Team!), Genestealers, Chaos Space Marines and Cultists, and Aseptus Mechanicus. The Drukhari are done. The Genestealers are almost done (I just have to finish their bases). Chaos... well... One is done and the other dozen or so have a bit of paint on them... The Adeptus Mechanicus are assembled and primed...

Coming Soon To Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Game Reports...? I feel like I've been promising that all month, yet none have materialized!? We are clearly doing too many other things! Seriously, if I have to solo a game or two this weekend, I guess that's what I'll have to do!!

Genestealers! I bought the Kill Team: the Writhing Shadow box set - the Tyranids starter box - a couple weeks ago. I decided it would be a good Kill Team to have as a loaner and use for the ToonCon game - it only comes with Genestealers so it's only ONE troop type to have to worry about and there isn't much variation at all between them - other than the specialist abilities. I know, I know... I could have use the Space Hulk Genestealers... In fact, I've painted these new ones to match the ones I already painted so they could be used together. I even used the same 32mm Necromunda bases. I picked up the box set to get the cards and a little bit more terrain... because I apparently didn't have enough Sector Munitorum Terrain. They are assembled and the genestealers are painted - I just have to finish up the bases... probably do that some time today...


  1. Brilliant stuff, great work! All the various bits make for a cool layout. With all of that I'm surprised you haven't been able to get people to join you for a game (I suppose they're just busy with other stuff?). I'm sure I'd be tempted anyway.

  2. A great looking game on an atmospheric and handsome terrain, superb!

  3. Great work Tim.
    That terrain looks excellent.

  4. Great looking terrain, lot's of cover!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! I'm starting to wonder if it might be just a bit TOO MUCH cover... I guess I don't have to put all of it on the table, all of the time!
