Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Work-in-Progress Wednesday - Noise Marines and Squats!

The local 40K club (Hunters of the Warp - if you're in or around Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada) does a little Work-in-Progress Wednesday post each week where everyone shares what they're currently working on. I thought since many of you might be at home and bored and desperately looking for NEW CONTENT on all of your favourite blogs (and this one!) I thought I'd share the pics, that I posted there, as well...

The lighting in my painting space is not... ideal... hence not-so-great photos...

Starting in on the next batch of Noise Marines! Also, OBLITERATORS!

These Noise Marines are ALL METAL! Like, HEAVY METAL!

There is less of a panic rush on these, as I fully expect Battleforce Recon to be cancelled (and if it isn't cancelled, for some reason, I doubt I'll go...)

Last night I also finished assembling the last of the units in the Start Collecting Chaos Space Marines box (so far, the only one I've painted is the Venomcrawler) while watching a couple of episodes of Impulse with Amanda. Still to paint is a Master of Possession, two Greater Possessed, the two Obliterators pictured above, and ten Chaos Space Marines. They all look really fun, but I think I'll wait until all the Noise Marines are done until I seriously get started with painting them.

Another little side project that's been on and off my workbench for a couple months - Squats! Primarily I was thinking they could be used as a Venator "gang" in Necromunda. A Venator gang is basically supposed to represent a group of bounty hunters all ganged up together to go on a hunt - but they have different stat blocks you can choose from - and one of the sets looks remarkably similar to that of Squats - slower move value, toughness of 4, etc.

Three of these are some of the oldest 40K miniatures I've owned - recently stripped of their original paint job. One is from Victoria Miniatures, two are from the Astropolis II Kickstarter and the other five are ones I've picked up on eBay over the years and finally have a purpose for them. I also have 3-4 squat bikers, all from back-in-the-day, that I might paint/repaint (only one of them was ever fully completed, the others have been in a half-painted limbo for nearly 30 years!)

I had thought I'd wait until they were ALL painted before posting them all together with a group along with some extensive background fluff I've been working on... but here they are.

I DO have ANOTHER side project that is partly completed that I'm also waiting to complete ALL of the miniatures for to post together with some even MORE extensive background fluff... that one I WILL wait for. I'll give you some hints though - It's a 40K Kill Team... and it in some way involves some more of the oldest GW figures I have, and some very new ones, and... Blood Bowl... and the destruction of the Old World... How the hell do I tie all THAT together!? Well, you'll just have to wait and see!

In Other News...

We spent a bit of the day yesterday trying to figure out Roll 20 so Finnegan can keep his D&D games going in this era of social distancing. I happened to note that there are Wrath & Glory character sheets available on there...

ALL of the Amanda and the kids activities are cancelled and we're already finding we have a LOT more free time on our hands - I hope this will translate into MORE GAMES being played and more time to post game reports - to entertain all of you stuck at home in quarantine or self-isolation.

What are you all working on?

Getting in any extra games (solo, online, or otherwise)?

Have your kids reached Willing-to-Play-Games-with-Parents-Again levels of boredom? (Mine have!)

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Probably the Noise Marines above completed.

The Squats will probably take longer.

Game Reports of games with the family?


  1. Some of those space dwarves (never cared for the name "squats"; sounds pejorative and more like, um, some sort of illness :P ) look familiar. And coincidentally, I am currently nearing the completion of some to add to others I previously painted. (and I received notice some more space dwarves from a kickstarter should be shipping soon). Mine won't be so colorful though. ha ha

    1. Cheers!

      I often wonder if it's the name "Squats" is actually the reason they were written out of the 40K universe... and GW is reluctant to bring them back on a larger scale (than the single Necromunda bounty hunter available from forge World)?

      Excited to see yours!

    2. I had the exact same thought. Sure, there's an exercise called squats, but my mind went to a more fundamental and basic meaning.

    3. GW has been pretty good at renaming things lately, Dark Eldar are now Drukhari, Craftworld Eldar are now Asuryani, collectively they are all still Aeldari, they're really pushing the usage of Astra Militarum for the Imperial Guard and Astartes for Space Marines. The reasons are purely for trademark purposes - those are all names THEY made up and can trademark! I think they're probably somewhat worried about pushback from the old Squat fans if they suddenly reappeared with a whole new name (can't be Forge Fathers - Mantic took that one for their Space Dwarves, or Dvergr - as Kromlech calls theirs) I'm sure they could come up with something noble that they call themselves - 'squat' will probably stick around forever in 40K, as the racist moniker that regular xenophobic citizens of the imperium who look down on "abhumans" use.

  2. Nice collection of work in progress! I like the squats, I'd collected quite a lot before GW pulled them,I think my daughter isn't far off the willing to play stage!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks!

      Stage? Like, the card game from 1904? or Stage II the trivia game from 1985? Either way, I guess it's a start!

    2. More the willing to play( developmental) stage!
      Best Iain
