Age of Sigmar - Skaven - PLASTIC!

I do have TWO full forces of Skaven!? One Metal and one Plastic. I do not LOVE putting Metal and Plastic minis together in the same force?! I mean, I'll do it... but I won't be happy about it. In this case I don't really NEED to, so keeping these separate (and making two separate Gallery pages!?), because they have two entirely different purposes!

I never really intended to have Skaven... Among the group of people I played games with, the Skaven were always "John's army". Then John, realizing he was never going to play Warhammer Fantasy Battles again (or Age of Sigmar) GAVE me all his old Skaven stuff... Mostly Metal... That's in the OTHER COLLECTION. 

I had no intention of picking up any plastic stuff to either supplement the other force or create a new one. 

I have Wahammer Underworlds Warbands, but that's just for Warhammer Underworlds.... 

And then Age of Sigmar, Fourth Edition, happened... Initially I pre-ordered the Skaventide box thinking I'd KEEP the Rules and boards and cards and terrain and just sell off ALL THE MINIATURES... Then I PLAYED a game of Spearhead at the Saskatoon Warhammer Store with the Stormcast Eternals Spearhead force... and got to thinking... Maybe I could keep those...? and then I got thinking maybe I should just keep the Skaven too - for ANOTHER Spearhead warband... 


I have very little painted plastic Skaven, so far... Mostly just the Warhammer Underworlds warbands. 


(none of those yet!)


Skabbik’s Plaguepack - one of my current favourite warbands for Warhammer Underworlds. They're not part of a Spearhead Force. They can't be used in Matched Play (as they are "Legends"). The only way they'd be used with any of the other plastic skavens is if I were to play a "for funsies" Path to Glory campaign and decided I needed to play Skaven in that... instead of Hedonites of Slaanesh... or Slaves to Darkness... or Daughters of Khaine... or the METAL Skaven... or any of the other forces I have for that purpose 


This is what I have still to do...

  • Clawlord on Gnaw-beast (1) 
  • Grey Seer (1) 
  • Warlock Engineer (1) 
  • Clanrats (40) 
  • Rat Ogors (3) 
  • Ratling Warpblaster (1) 
  • Warplock Jezzails (3) 
  • Skittershank’s Clawpack (5) 
  • Spiteclaw’s Swarm (5) 
The priority amongst these is A) painting the stuff for the Spearhead force (the Clawlord on Gnaw-beast, the Grey Seer , the Warlock Engineer, 20 Clanrats, and 3 Rat Ogors) and 2) the Warhammer Underworlds Warbands

When will I paint (or what will I DO) with the rest of the stuff...

' I don't know... more on that in THE PLAN below


What am I going to DO with all this?! They're probably not ever going to be a primary army that I use for Age of Sigmar... The main focus is Warhammer Underwrolds Warbands and the Spearhead force. As long as I have the Spearhead force... I'm probably good... I might even sell off/trade away the extra stuff that came with the Skaventide box. 

I could, in theory, use a lot of it for Warcry... or role-playing games... but that was kind of the plan for the Metal stuff... 

The Spearhead force looks like:



  • Clawlord on Gnaw-beast


  • 1 Grey Seer
  • 1 Warlock Engineer
  • 10 Clanrats
  • 10 Clanrats
  • 3 Rat Ogors

There IS a second option for a Spearhead force: 



  • Grey Seer


  • 3 Stormfiends
  • 1 Warp Lightning Cannon
  • 10 Clanrats
  • 10 Clanrats

I would need to buy the Stormfiends and the Warp Lightning Cannon to field this option, though... So I would only do that IF I was playing a LOT of Spearhead (Like, ALL SPEARHEAD ALL THE TIME!!!) and I REALLY NEEDED to try out some different Skavenses... 

If I painted ALL of the stuff, this is what it would add up to in Age of Sigmar: 

Plastic Heroes

  • Clawlord on Gnaw-beast (1) 170
  • Grey Seer (1) 120
  • Warlock Engineer (1) 150

Plastic Units

  • Clanrats (20) 160
  • Clanrats (20) 160
  • Rat Ogors (3) 170
  • Ratling Warpblaster (1) 190
  • Warplock Jezzails (3) 150
  • Skabbik’s Plaguepack (5) - Legends - 100
  • Skittershank’s Clawpack (5) - Legends - 100
  • Spiteclaw’s Swarm (5) - Legends - 100

Total: 1570 points

It's probably enough to start a force for Paths to Glory... But I could probably manage that with the Metal stuff as well!? 


Everything I have NOW

(All in one army)


  • Hero - Grey Seer (1)  120 - 0-1 Skaven Overclaw, Any Skaven
  • Unit - Rat Ogors (3) 170 - Moulder, Infantry
  • Unit - Skabbik’s Plaguepack (5) 100 - Unique, Pestilens, Infantry
  • Unit - Skittershank’s Clawpack (5) 100 - Unique, Eshin, Infantry

Total: 490


  • Hero - Clawlord on Gnaw-beast (1)  170 - Any Verminus
  • Unit - Clanrats (20) 160 - Verminus, Infantry
  • Unit - Clanrats (20) 160 - Verminus, Infantry
  • Unit - Spiteclaw’s Swarm (5) 100 - Unique, Verminus, Infantry

Total: 590


  • Hero - Warlock Engineer (1) 150 - 0-1 Clanrats, Any Skryre
  • Unit - Ratling Warpblaster (1) 190 - Skryre, War Machine
  • Unit - Warplock Jezzails (3) 150 - Skryre, Infantry

Total: 490


Probably NOT going to be a regular 2000 point army… (unless I went out and got the  Stormfiends and Warp Lightning Cannon for the second Spearhead force!?) 


There are MORE options! 

1000 Point Paths to Glory Army 


  • Hero - Grey Seer (1)  120 - 0-1 Skaven Overclaw, Any Skaven
  • Unit - Rat Ogors (3) 170 - Moulder, Infantry
  • Unit - Ratling Warpblaster (1) 190 - Skryre, War Machine

Total: 480


  • Hero - Clawlord on Gnaw-beast (1)  170 - Any Verminus
  • Unit - Clanrats (20) 160 - Verminus, Infantry
  • Unit - Clanrats (20) 160 - Verminus, Infantry

Total: 490


Another 1000 Point Paths to Glory Army  


  • Hero - Grey Seer (1)  120 - 0-1 Skaven Overclaw, Any Skaven
  • Unit - Rat Ogors (3) 170 - Moulder, Infantry
  • Unit - Skabbik’s Plaguepack (5) 100 - Unique, Pestilens, Infantry
  • Unit - Skittershank’s Clawpack (5) 100 - Unique, Eshin, Infantry

Total: 490


  • Hero - Clawlord on Gnaw-beast (1)  170 - Any Verminus
  • Unit - Clanrats (20) 160 - Verminus, Infantry
  • Unit - Clanrats (20) 160 - Verminus, Infantry

Total: 490



There is not a lot I feel like I'd EVER need to add to the plastic force... 

As I said. they're not a primary army... as long as I have the Spearhead force... I'm probably good... 

If there are more Skaven Warhammer Underworlds warbands, I'll probably pick those up as they come out... 

IF Spearhead because the only game I was playing and I really wanted that secondary force, I'd need to pick up the Stormfiends and the Warp Lightning Cannon but those two units alone would be about $150CAD... I'd almost rather get a completely different Spearhead force from a completely different faction (those are currently $175) 

IF, I got those... the ARMY WITH ALL THE THINGS could look like:

Regiment (General's) 

  • Hero - Warlock Engineer (1) 150 - 0-1 Clanrats, Any Skryre
  • Unit - Ratling Warpblaster (1) 190 - Skryre, War Machine
  • Unit - Warplock Jezzails (3) 150 - Skryre, Infantry
  • Unit - Warp Lightning Cannon (1) 180 - Skryre, War Machine
  • Unit - Stormfiends (3) 260 - Skryre, Moulder, Infantry

Total: 930


  • Hero - Grey Seer (1)  120 - 0-1 Skaven Overclaw, Any Skaven
  • Unit - Rat Ogors (3) 170 - Moulder, Infantry
  • Unit - Skabbik’s Plaguepack (5) 100 - Unique, Pestilens, Infantry

Total: 390


  • Hero - Clawlord on Gnaw-beast (1)  170 - Any Verminus
  • Unit - Clanrats (20) 160 - Verminus, Infantry
  • Unit - Clanrats (20) 160 - Verminus, Infantry
  • Unit - Spiteclaw’s Swarm (5) 100 - Unique, Verminus, Infantry

Total: 590


(Except that it DOESN'T have ALL THE THINGS! because I had to drop Skitterhank's Clawpack). If ever I wanted to play with it in a tournament, I'd need to replace the three Warhammer Underworlds warbands with... something else.. 


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