WW2 - Afrika Korps

This force, as with most of my other 28mm World War Two forces had their genesis in Pulp Adventure/Weird War gaming with Savage Worlds over fifteen years ago - before Bolt Action was even released! 

As such, a number of the elements were meant to be guards for facilities that British Special Forces (SAS/LRDG) or Pulp Adventure Heroes might raid. 

After the release of Bolt Action, I did try to add things to the forces to make them playable with those rules - which mostly focused around a solitary Infantry platoon - with lots of potential support options. 

I didn't really get around to doing this with the Afrika Korps before mostly abandoning 28mm World War Two when interests shifted and I couldn't find anyone that wanted to play World War Two games in 28mm (most locals that were interested were still playing Flames of War - or other games making use of 15mm miniatures).

This force is currently organized with Botl Action (Third Edition) in mind, but could be used for any other World War Two game. As such, there has been some consideration for use in assorted FiveCore games (Five men in Normandy, Five Men at Kursk, etc.) which is generally just a squad, plus assorted attachments rolled for on a table... 

Included in this Gallery are some of the assorted "Nazis in the Desert" used in Pulp Adventure games that don't really fit into 

Here is what I have NOW! 

ALL of the Afrika Korps stuff (including assorted Desert Nazis for Pulp Adventure Games) 

The Big Man, homself: General Erwin Rommel! 

It seemed like a good idea at the time... I guess he could be used in some kind of "Get Rommel" scenario...? 

All the Pulp Nazi baddies that might be encountered in the Desert.. I think I had names for all of them at one point... 

Casualties - I have a BUNCH more of these for some reason... Some I've been painting in Feldgrau or SS pea-dot camouflage for use with some of my other German forces... but eventually there will be MORE of these! 

Some odd characters that don't fit into the forces for regular sorts of wargames (below)... oh, and another injured. These could be used in SAS raids for guys hanging out on airfields or possibly some could be used as prisoners - if playing something like Five Men at Kursk, where prisoner taking can be a thing!?

Bolt Action, etc.

Below are the forces organized for more historical wargames, primarily Bold Action (Third Edition) 

All of the more historical forces - this includes, so far - elements of a Rifle Platoon and a Heavy Weapons Platoon. At some point I'll finsih up soem of the armoured elements and possibly add artillery (at least in the form of anti-tank guns!)

Rifle Platoon (Panzer-Grenadier Platoon?)

the Full Platoon (and attachment).

The Platoon is understrength. Less because I was trying to be "realistic", and more because this is all I have... and I have four guys armed with MP40 SMGs and four armed with MG34 LMGs and only one of each is allowed in each squad... Maybe think of them less as "squads" and four teams/maneuver elements focused around the four machine-guns available to the platoon!

Platoon Headquarters

Forward Observer team - not an organic part of the platoon, but an attachment from the Artillery of Luftwaffe to direct off table support

First Squad

Second Squad

Third Squad

Fourth Squad

Heavy Weapons Platoon

the entire platoon... or, rather... the entire part of the Company's Heavy Weapons Platoon that has been detached and assigned to operate in the immediate vicinity of the above infantry platoon. 

Platoon Headquarters - because they need to be present to watch over the two elements here... 

Machine-gun Team

Mortar Team

This is what that might look like in Bolt Action... (maybe.. I don't have the rules yet, I am basing this on all the lists I do have access to, they all seem to be the same across armies for Regulars - except when special rules apply - like "tough fighter" or whatever): 

Rifle Platoon

Platoon Commander - 1st Lieutenant - 30pts (Regular)
Runner/Batman (2) @10pts (Regular) = +20

Infantry Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 50pts (Regular)
1 additional men at +10pts each = +10
Submachine gun for +4pts
light machine gun for +15pts 
= 79 points

Infantry Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 50pts (Regular)
1 additional men at +10pts each = +10
Submachine gun for +4pts
light machine gun for +15pts 
= 79 points

Infantry Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 50pts (Regular)
1 additional men at +10pts each = +10
Submachine gun for +4pts
light machine gun for +15pts 
= 79 points

Infantry Section 1 NCO and 4 men with Rifles 50pts (Regular)
1 additional men at +10pts each = +10
Submachine gun for +4pts
light machine gun for +15pts 
= 79 points

Forward Observer - (air force or artillery) 75pts (Regular)
Radio Operator +11pts per man (Regular) 

Heavy Weapons Platoon

Platoon Commander (2nd Lieutenant) - 30pts (Regular)
Runner/Batman @10pts  (Regular)= +20 points

Machine Gun Team  - 50pts (Regular) 

Mortar Team -  30pts (Regular) 

TOTAL: 612 points


I still have a few things I could paint up to make a rather ad hoc "armoured platoon". these include:

Panzer IV - a later one (like F2..?) with the longer barrel. These, I think, were only available in the later stages of the war in North Africa... 

An Sdkfz 222 armoured car. 

Panzer I - they had quite a few of these in North Africa - expecially at the beginning of it all in 1941!

Unfortunately, I have no idea how many points these will be in the new edtion... hopefully it will bring the force to 1000 points! 


There are a number of items I would still like to get for this force. 

Primarily some more appropriate armour and some anti-tank weapons! 

Armour could include a few more Panzer I, Panzer II and Panzer III - in earlier models that would be appropriate for North Africa (most of the Panzer III easily available - and least expensive - are the J and later versions - which would have only showed up at the very end of the campaign - or were only used in Europe in the later part of the war), 

A few anti-tank weapons would be handy - Pak 36 and Pak 38... maybe even an Anti-Tank Rifle team...? If I get these, though, I'd need an Artillery Platoon Commander!? 

I could get some more infantry to fill out the Infantry platoons 

Ideally some transportation...? but not entirely necessary... most transport would have likely been dismounted from and left far enough behind that it would remain off the table, if on the advance - and even further behind if defending!   

Not something that this force could use on the tabletop... but I wouldn't mind getting a mess of 1/72 German aircraft and painting them in desert colours - to use as objectives/targets for raids by the LRDG/SAS

WHEN am I going to get any of these?! I have no idea... I need to finish painting the last few things I have (the two tanks and armoured car). Then we'll see... 


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