WW2 - United States

I have a small collection of United States forces for World War Two. I'd initially had larger numbers of troops, hoping to build each of these forces into a playable 1000 point force for Bolt Action... but then gave up and traded away a bunch of the stuff I eventually realized I'd never get around to painting. What's left is a small handful of troops that could be used in any number of smaller scale skirmish actions (in games like Five Men in Normandy/Five Men at Kursk, or Flying Lead, or Savage Worlds, or similar...) or show up in a role-playing game, like Call of Cthulhu, when the army needs to be called in to deal with a larger supernatural menace - like a costal town in Massachusetts being overrun by grotesque mutant fishmen that worship dark gods...

I do have some other Americans for the Second World War, they are found in a separate gallery:

WW2 - USMC Raiders (PTO) 

Regular US Army Infantry 

I had a lot more than I thought - pretty much an understrength platoon; three squads of 7-8 infantry, a platoon commander and radio operator, a bazooka team, a sniper and... Oddball... 

Oddball, Kelly, and Big Joe - from Kelly's Heroes! 

US Army Rat Patrol - North Africa

Mounted and Dismounted versions of the characters and equipment from The Rat Patrol TV series! The jeeps aren't exactly the same, I bought a pair of SAS jeeps for them to use - something that might look a little more like something that could be used for deep desert raids behind enemy lines... 

US Army Paratroopers 

I have a much smaller force of Paratroopers, less than a full squad really - perfect size for a Five Men in Normandy Patrol, though! 

1st Special Service Force  

I also have a small unit of troopers from the 1st Special Service Force... which was a mix of troops from the US and Canada. I got really excited when they first game out and bought all the first packs... I'd hoped to build it up to a complete force for Bolt Action... but then they never made any with the Johnson Light Machine-Guns... so these lack squad support weapons. 

The Bazooka and Mortar and .30 Calibre Machine-Gun teams are all converted paratrooper miniatures. 

Other Stuff

Five US Casualties for European Theatre - two of which were mildly converted to look a bit more like a Paratrooper and a SSF member. 


I have a few more things left to do;  a Sgt. Rock figure I have (that I wanted to add ammo belts to - because I do seem to recall from the comics, the ALWAYS had na ammo belts slung over each of his shoulders!) and another squad of Marine Raiders I recently picked up. 


Will I ever add to this collection?! Well... I'll Never say Never! But I have no strong desire to do so at the moment. 

I might get to rebasing some or all at some point. 

Because I have Oddball, Sgt. Kelly and Big Joe, I thought it might be fun to get a Sherman tank and model it like Oddball's with giant speakers and an barrel extension - just for funsies. Or maybe get a second Oddball figure and put him in the turret of a Tiger Tank...?

None of these are pressing concerns at the moment... 

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