Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Game Plan 07 Sep-Dec

Well… August already. So to update the plans for the rest of the year…

August – Bolsheviks! Finish the officer master, make the rest of the moulds, cast and paint by the hundreds! Try to finish up the airplanes (Chinese and Bolshevik Spads and British sopwith) and make bases for them.

For the rest of the year (Sep-Oct) I’d like to leave things a little open but have a few projects on the go to keep me somewhat focused. These will be:

CLA Africa – I want to work on a couple forces (British/Imperial and German) for a campaign in the fictional German Central African colony of Timbogo. I’m hoping John might get stoked about this and make some French colonial figures for himself to use. I’ve made German (Shutztruppe) and British (KAR) askaris already, I’d just have to cast and paint a pile more, and maybe add a unit or two of European regulars (or Indians!), European volunteer militia types (big game hunters, etc), local/tribal irregulars, and of course I’m going to have to build myself a couple of Gunboats for the battle of lake Timbo.

28mm World War 2 – I have a pile of Germans and British (mostly commandos) to finish up. I’d like to actually PLAY with these at some point too! I had an idea for an “All Quiet…” campaign involving some of these. Others will hopefully see action in Pulp skirmish games.

Project Rebase - I started re-basing a number of my 15&20mm WW2 stuff. I will continue to do this throughout the fall. Hopefully I will make use of these playing Blitzkrieg Commander, etc.

Indians – I would still like to make some Indians for CLA. They would be a very versatile force potentially seeing action in the Back of Beyond (Central Asia), Palestine, Mesopotamia, East Africa, etc.

Canvas Eagles – Get going on building/painting these piles of 1/72 Great War aircraft I have….

Pirates – Build a couple of 28mm ships and paint up some pirates, sailors and marines to crew them!

Some of this may carry on into the New Year….

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