Monday, April 21, 2008

20mm WW2 Americans

Last, but not least, the Americans. I got almost all of these in trade. To be honest I would never have considered building an American force. It’s not that I don’t like Americans, or think their contribution to the war effort wasn’t significant… It’s just not a force that ever really interested me.

But now I got a pile so I might as well organize them into something I could potentially use for Blitzkreig Commander.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

US paratroopers. The flanking battalions are ESCI, the one in the middle is Airfix. I have all the Paratroop infantry I need. I just need a couple more MGs, some mortars, an HQ and some observers and this force is complete (well, except for that whole PAINTING thing…).

This is a mix of Esci and Revell US Infantry. From left to right: 4 MG stands, 3 Mortar stands, nearly two infantry battalions, 3 engineer stands. One more box of the Revell and I’d be right kitted out except for the guns and trucks!


20mm WW2 Americans

Airborne! United States Parachute Infantry Regiment

RHQ/CO - HAVE: 1 To Paint,

3x Parachute Infantry Battalions (each/total for regiment):
-1/3x HQ - HAVE: 2 To Paint, NEED TO GET: 1
-9/27x Paratroop Platoon stands - HAVE: 27 To Paint,
-3/9x HMG Platoon stands - HAVE: 3 To Paint, NEED TO GET: 6
-1/3x Mortar Platoon stands - NEED TO GET: 3

Divisional Assets

FAO - NEED TO GET: 1 - 2
3x 75mm Pack Howitzer Battery stands (off table – don’t need)

-P-47 of one variety or another…

United States Infantry Regiment


Cannon Company
-1-2x 105 Howitzers + trucks? - NEED TO GET!

Antitank Company
-3x 57mm AT Gun platoon Stands + Jeeps - NEED TO GET: 3

3x Infantry Battalions (each/total for regiment):
-1/3x HQ - HAVE: 2 To Paint, NEED TO GET: 1
-9/27x Infantry Platoon stands - HAVE: 15 To Paint, NEED TO GET: 12
-2/6x HMG Platoon stands - HAVE: 4 To Paint, NEED TO GET: 2
-1/3x Mortar Platoon stand - HAVE: 3 To Paint
-1/3x AT platoon (57mm) stand - HAVE: NEED TO GET!

Divisional Assets

FAO - HAVE: X Painted, X To Paint, NEED TO GET: 1 or 2..
3x 105mm Howitzer (off table – don’t need)
1x 155mm Howitzer (off table – don’t need)

3x Engineers Platoon Stands - HAVE: 3 To Paint

Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop
-1x Jeep Recce Stand - NEED TO GET!

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

A master plan for the prioritizing of painting and purchasing assets for 20mm WW2 armies! BWA-HA-HA-ha-ha… ha… ha… uh… cough-cough…

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