Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Well I still haven’t got much cycling in since the family got back, but I have been adjusting my sleep pattern. I’ve been going to bed at ten or eleven instead of midnight… or one… or two! My hope is that once I get caught up on some sleep and start getting to bed at nine or ten I’ll be able to get up at five and go for an hour or so ride out valley road before Amanda and the kiddies wake up…

So things have slowed down a bit here. But I am at least a bit more well rested… and happier… and I did finish up a few pirates last night:

(Remember: click on the picture for a bigger version)

These are Old Glory pirates I think one is from the Pirate Captains pack, the rest are from the Pirates with knives pack… Hopefully the players in my Savage Worlds: Pirates of the Spanish Main game will be hiring these lads on Saturday (the players have just acquired their own ship! – I guess I’ll be needing to make them a new ship too!)

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