Thursday, June 12, 2008

Not Dead Yet!

I am still alive and painting… a little…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Some i-Kore Void figures. I pcked up a PILE of these from a $1 per pack bargain bin last winter to some day use as generic sci-fi skirmishy types. Just experimenting with some different camouflages at this point.

I started these guys a month or so ago when I had watched the Aliens special edition DVD. Originally they had had a camoflage with a sort of grey background – like the Colonial Marines in the movie. It just wasn’t working for me so I made one with a tan background that looks more akin to the SS pea-dot camo… I kept the woodland camo armour for some reason though… Doing the whole figure in the pea-dot camo might be a bit much… I dunno…

This is the last of the Russian infantry. Now I just have to finish off the KV-2 and the GAZ jeep.

Some FAA 20mm SAS. (Still with fresh white carpenter's glue under the rocks and bushes!)

Even with this drastic reduction in productivity I still get more done than half the clowns that call themselves miniature gamers in this town!

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