Sunday, September 7, 2008

28mm Modern Russians

Well here’s something a bit more interesting. I picked up these Modern Russians a while back from The Assault Group. I was disappointed because they didn’t have sleeve pockets, and just about every picture I’ve seen of a modern Russian soldier – all their uniforms have pockets on the sleeves. I’m not saying ALL modern Russian uniforms have pockets on their sleeves, or these are inaccurate or anything. It’s just what I was expecting so I was disappointed… and I knew I’d have to model some on with green stuff or brown stuff before I could bring myself to paint them…

Well I’ve been thinking about running a Savage Worlds/Twilight:2000 campaign (all part of my greater fascination with all things cold war at the moment…). So I figured it was about time to get these lads painted.

Here is the first one I painted as a sample.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

You can’t really even make out the pockets that I’ve added in thie picture, but rest assured that they are there!

I also recently ordered a sample of Mongrel Miniatures Russians and am I EVER impressed with them! No only are they superb looking miniatures but they seemed quite reasonably priced and ordering was easy and straightforward and the shipping was FAST! Expect to see them painted here in the next week!

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