Thursday, November 13, 2008

Canuck Command

Finally I have a CO stand for my Cold War Commander Canucks. (now to get the rest of the infantry… and APCs… and tanks… etc… finished!)

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

the M577 is from S&S Models. I had a bit of a wait for this as when I ordered it Shaun told me the mould had just broken down and he’s have to remould it. I’m not sure he ever did, as there were an awful lot of bubbles and amorphous blobs bulging from the model – not to mention a LOT of bubbles in the casting….

So I had a lof of carving to do… and filling of bubbles. I mostly filled the little ones by painting on loads of extra gesso. There’s a couple bigger ones that I didn’t bother with… if they bug me too much I may go back and fill them in. All the bush is to hide some of the nasty bits. I’m not sure it makes it look all that great. I may go back and add a rolled up cam-net on top… maybe take some of the buches off… I don’t know. Once I get playing with it I probably won’t care so much – there’s too many other things yet to do to be going back and nit picking about details on ones that are “finished”

While that was all pretty disappointing, I do like the model, and there aren’t many M577 models out there in 1:76-20mm-1:72 scale. Britannia does one for Vietnam, but it’s got grunts hanging off of it and something that looks like an ACAV turret on it!?

Hopefully this will see some action soon commanding my Cold War Canucks about. It will probably to double duty as Norwegian and maybe American…

Despite my disappointment with the model I’ll probably be ordering from S&S Models again as they do an Iltis and a Canadian Lynx recce vehicle!!??

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