Monday, November 17, 2008

More Future War stuff

I was briefly considering putting the micro sci-fi stuff up for trade and started cataloguing everything when I had a little tinge of nostalgia… fond memories of playing Battletech in high school with JC and the boys, then later Adeptus Titanicus (I don’t even remember who I ever played that with…? Tod…?!) and later Space Marine with Cory and Meshon and all the other acid-heads at their house on University… yeah, it’s stupid to hold on to them… but I’m going to for now. I even started painting a few more…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Some older falcon grav tanks and bikes getting a repaint…

That’s not to say I’m giving up the 20mm Future War stuff… I finished assembling the hulls and turrets of my G-AFVs for the Timashek Legion. I just have to do all the little details on them now(hatches, etc..). I also have the rest of the infantry based and ready to be painted…

I’ve also been thinking about a second Future War mercenary unit. I’ll probably use some of the Revell Modern Germans I have – just cut the barrel off of their crazy looking assault rifle…

What’s on the workbench right now, however, is the final company of the Cold War Canadian Airborne Regiment. Once their done I’ll just have to make a CO stand and then I’ll have to get modeling again to make a mortar and crew so I can make some elements of an Airborne Support Commando… I wonder if they dropped with ground mount TOWs…? Hmmmmm… I’ll probably Finish up my last two mechanized infantry companies before I get to that, though.

I've also been working on some terrain for 28mm skirmishing.

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