Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Timashek Legion Heavy Grav Tank

Here it is:

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

I’m going to have to sit down and read the rules at some point and come up with some stats for these bad boys. I imagined them being pretty heavily armoured. That’s supposed to be a big ass MDC on top of the turret there (Mass Driver Cannon – Gauss cannon, Rail Gun, you get the idea, right?)

Any suggestions from those of you familiar with Future War Commander?


  1. Thanks Trucker!

    Yeah, "easy to reproduce" was exactly what I was going for! I've always been of the opinion that "quantity has a quality of it's own" - if you have hundreds of figures on the table (or a dozen heavy grav-tanks) nobody notices the details (or lack thereof...)!

    There will be more soon... many more... MWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-Ha-Ha-ha-ha... ha... heh... cough... sorry - that was the closet megalomaniac in me sneaking out to have a look at the light of day....

  2. Looking good! I assume that the Timashek's eyes work in a slightly different spectrum, making the camouflage scheme highly effective, or the flora on their home world does not use chlorophyll.

    I look forward to the battle report, I am curious how the mechanics differ from BKC.
