Saturday, January 31, 2009


More Sci-Fi vehicle scratch building going on this week – this time a 28mm Grav-Sled.

I wanted something that could carry some cargo, that I could also pile up a couple figures on, and wasn’t just a wheeled truck.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

The main body is a left-over hull from a Timashek Legion Grav Tank. Plus some other bits and bobs… The steering wheel is an old Lego bit, as is the control panel.

There’s some plastic sprue attached to the side. Bits of wire for the tie down points and the ladder on the front…

… and here it is all loaded up with a couple crates and a crew.

NO I am NOT getting distracted!?


  1. Looks good and serves as an excellent ride. Good Job

  2. Focus, man, focus. Didn't I say that just yesterday?

  3. Dude, I AM focused... I finished up some Elvish Knights today too, did some work on the goblinses... just got to finish up their bases... Probably have pics up tomorrow!
