Monday, January 26, 2009

One Year

A year ago today I added a little hit counter to this blog, just to see how many people were popping by to have a look. The counter recorded every hit, rather than unique hits - which, as I understand it, means ever post that someone navigated to added one to the counter - rather than simply recording each new visitor only once. Anyway, in that year it seems to have counted 70,155 hits. It wasn't all just ME hitting reload!! 

Thanks to all of you who have popped by for a visit. Thanks especially to all those who have left friendly comments of encouragement and appreciation. 


  1. That's awesome! Congrats on popularity :) It's funny that you mention that it isn't just you refreshing; I know with my site that an embarrassingly large proportion of hits are mine!

  2. yeah... I'm sure less than 10,000 are mine... just going there to make a new post makes a click, looking through to find an older post to reference makes a few more.... goodness knows how often I just go there to admire my own handiwork (and see how many more hits there's been on the hit counter...).

  3. Well you can probably put me down for a few... :o))

    ..and as a cyclist I like your bike blog too...!

  4. Yeah... kind of been neglecting that one...

  5. I've always liked your Savage World entries when that was my thing, and I'm still digging this blog!

    Congrats on the popularity; it's well-deserved in my opinion! :)

  6. yeah I haven't been doing as much Savage Worlds Skirmishing lately. I still play it more than any other game (See BGG). But we've been doing more role-playing and I don't have quite as much nice terrain out during the combats to warrant After Action Reports...

    I actually started a completely separate blog to cover the Savage Worlds gaming, but I've been a bit slack in updating it... It takes away precious mini painting time to actually write out what happened during a game...

    Savage Timmy's Playhouse

  7. Tim, I'm glad to see the HOTT interest work out well, but... don't forget to get back to the modern CWC actions in Norway! You can't just leave us hanging in the fjords, wondering what will happen next! The Russkies MUST be stopped!

  8. oh I will... eventually...

    So many games... so little time...
