Saturday, March 14, 2009

Orcsies and Elveses

Darrin stopped by for our regular Saturday game night. It used to be Savage Saturday, but it seems to be out Hordes of the Things Saturday game night… Darrin and Amanda played a couple of quick one on one games.


Elves – Amanda
1x Blade General
2x Paladins
1x Dragon!?
2x Riders
2x Shooters

Orcs – Darrin
1x Warband General
3x Warband (orcs)
3x Beasts (wolves)
1x Artillery (catapult)
1x Behemoth (trolls)
3x Horde (goblins)
1x Knight (orc wolf riders… really BIG and MEAN wolf riders….!?)


Amanda ended up the attacker so Darrin set up the terrain, Amanda rolled for which side she was attacking from and Darrin set up his horde:

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Darrin’s Deployment.

Another shot of the line.

Amanda and her battle line.

Darrin adjusting one of Amanda’s riders.

Darrin’s beasties flanking through the woods.

The Paladins wheel off to deal with the beastly menace.

… and on turn three the dragon arrived…

… and flew up to scare off the beasties.

Elf riders at the far end of the line flank some goblin horde and destroy them. Another stand of Horde was done in by shooters.

The wolves had charged out of the woods and lined up the single stand of paladins – overlapping on both sides and beat their roll… good-bye paladins… Getting a little cocky they thought they might be able to do so again with the other stand of paladins…. But couldn’t get the third stand in there… and so the lost… dead wolves.

Around the same time the shooters darkened the skys above the remaining stand of Horde and pinned them all to the ground… dead…

The Dragon also ate a warband… well… flanked them and caused them to recoil into friends not facing in the same direction.

Darrin brought two hordes back on the table.

Amanda realized how good these paladins were at riding down Beasts and proceeded to chase the other two stands down while the Dragon ate some more warbands.

Here are the paladins riding down the final stand of beasts. The dragon is in the background munching on more orcs and further to the rear – since their path was cleared – the Elvish Light Horse had a go at the stronghold – the were repulsed, but that didn’t matter because as the paladins rode down the last Beast and the Dragon ate it’s third warband that was the end of the game…

Orcs Losses
3x Warband
3x Beasts
3x Horde (though two were replaced during the game)

Elf Losses
1x Paladin

WE got talking about the effectiveness of various units and army combinations and I got telling them about the suggested “Generic Elf” army in the book – with the THREE magicians…!? I was postulating how it could actually work and Amanda decided she’d like to have a go at it… so they reorganized their armies and had another battle…



Elves – Amanda
1x Magician General
2x Magicians
2x Knights
2x Riders
2x Shooters

Orcs – Darrin
1x Warband General
3x Warband (orcs)
3x Beasts (wolves)
1x Behemoth (trolls)
1x Knight (orc wolf riders… really BIG and MEAN wolf riders….!?)
1x Dragons


Amanda ended up the defender this time so she reorganized the terrain, Darrin rolled for which side he was attacking from and Amanda set up her army:

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

The elvish Triple Wizard Combo army – would it really work?!

The horde of nasty smellies

Hmmmmmm not much you can do with two PIPs….?!

The Elves wheeled their army to face the orcy menace and the wolves head for the woods again..

On turn three Darrin’s Dragon arrived.

Finally Amanda got all three wizards in range of stuff, rolled four PIPs and…

ZZZZZZZOT... BLAM! Dead Warband General. Game Over.

1x Orc Warband General

Yep, I guess the Elvish Tripple-Wizard-Combo CAN work!?


  1. Love the recent HOTT battle reports. Looks like you guys are playing with 25mm miniatures? I rebased quite a good number of old 25mm miniatures for HOTT. I should get them out and see if I can find an opponent.

  2. cheers!

    Yes we are playing with 25mm miniatures!

    I had some 15's, but a couple years ago I came to the realization that I just don't like painting 15mm figures!? So I traded them all away. I usually have to provide both sides for the folks I play with so why not do it in a scale I enjoy painting!?

  3. That 3 wiz army seems like a killer tourney army, but otherwise somewhat boring - the enemy is basically reduced to frantically hiding the general from the magicians. Seems kind of like those flamethrower tank platoons you were telling me about...

  4. yeah...

    I don't know...

    You need to have the PIPs to make it work and Amanda has horse shoes up her butt or something... It's not an army that you can roll lots of ones and twos and still be okay...

    In tournaments I think you get points for destroying stands so blowing up a general on turn 3 or 4 doesn't win much...
