Thursday, August 6, 2009

Badgers, Artillery, and Horse-girls...

Just a couple odd things rolling off the workbench…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Some Giant Armoured Badgers – these will be “Beast” Stands for one of my Dwarf Armies. I think they may be WOTC D&D minis.... but I’m not sure.

This is one of those easy-to-paint and done just to get them of the workbench and lower the number of “things unpainted” rather than something I really needed done…

Attempting to stay focused and finish an Army before moving on here is the Artillery stand for my Early Imperial Romans. Unlike most of the others, these, I believe, are old Minifigs… One Light Horse and three Blade to go!

This was actually painted ages ago but not properly based. I had originally ordered four to make two stands of Riders for Amanda’s “HOTT Chick” army, but only three showed up. I held on hoping that number four would arrive but I have more or less given up and decided to base this one singly for skimishy-gamin'. Maybe some day I’ll try ordering direct from Shadowforge - because they are really cool minis…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Despite my desire to stay focused and finish off my Romans I’m probably going to switch gears and crank out some Anglo-Danish for CVT as he will be in town next week and it’d sure be nice to get these off my table and send them home with him!!

Amanda's borrowed a copy of Rome: Season Two off a friend from work, so after the Anglo-Danish I'll definitely finish off the Romans!!

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