Sunday, August 30, 2009

Campaign for Kümer – Year One – Deployment

As the snows begin to melt in the northlands and turn the frozen creeks in their deep gorges into raging torrents, another sounds rings down from the mountain passes that heralds preparations for war! The crack of the whip, the shout of the captain, the clanking of arms and armour and the bellow of unspeakable beasts that ought better have been left in their caverns below…

The sound of Orcs assembling in the Gorj pass and rumours of their scouts raiding the outlying communities strikes fear into the hearts the sheppards and farmers in the north of Tria Nomina. Where is the army to defend them!? Not there! As spring approaches the Legions of the Imperiator parade in streets of Praenomen in their finest and receive blessing from the priests at the Temple of Mars.

The hammering of the Dwarven armourers rings throughout their mountain fastnesses. Weapons are honed to a keen sharpness and the warriors are called to arms at the sounding of the Great Horn of Ghillebrae.

The people of Ronarok look to their defences, repairing the walls of their fortified towns and stowing supplies in deep cellars. The Hird rallies to the Raven Banner of King Ingvar behind the great walls of Ludharn.

In the south, great columns of dust rise high into the sky as great masses of warriors and beasts march across the steppes of Grummsh and fertile plains in the lands of the Sapphic League. Orcs accumulate at Otisburg in ominous numbers, while the Warrior women collect at Beauvoir. It seems almost certain the sands will soon be stained with blood!

The Ilfarien look out over the tumultuous waters surrounding their fair isles with a serene calmness. The fleet and army assemble at Dyledele, but will they sail? Will they intervene in the coming conflict or will they let the baser races fight it out amongst themselves?

The Map

Country: Tria Nomina
Race: Humans
Head(s) of State: Aculeo Bibaculus Mediocrito, Imperator of Tria Nomina
Commander of the Field Army:
Capitol: Praenomen
Other Cities: Nomen, Cognomen, Agnomen
Location of Field Army: Praenomen
Prestige Points:
Army Size: 24AP

Country: The Sapphic League of Unity and Togetherness
Race: Mixed – WOMEN!!
Head(s) of State: Myrah the Mighty, Chairperson of the Council of Empowerment of the Sapphic League of Unity and Togetherness.
Commander of the Field Army:
Capitol: Thatcherton
Other Cities: Bhutto and Beauvoir
Location of Field Army: Beauvoir
Prestige Points:
Army Size: 24AP

Country: The Ilferien
Race: Ilferien (Elves)
Head(s) of State: Consul Rhalasa
Commander of the Field Army: Consul Sundiasen
Capitol: Melitele
Other Cities: Anasterele, Wynstrele, Dyladele
Location of Field Army: Dyladele
Prestige Points:
Army Size: 24AP

Country: Toctland
Race: Dwarves
Head(s) of State: King Malaius MacDoogleg
Commander of the Field Army:
Capitol: Ghillebrae
Other Cities: Weinglenn, Toctglenn
Location of Field Army: Ghillebrae
Prestige Points:
Army Size: 24AP

Country: Ronarok
Race: Humans
Head(s) of State: King Ingvar Hrosskellsen
Commander of the Field Army: Jarl Thorvald Skardsen
Capitol: Ludharn
Other Cities: Marham, Skohln
Location of Field Army: Ludharn
Prestige Points:
Army Size: 24AP

Country: Transil-Valishog-Atania
Race: Orcs
Head(s) of State: Vladimeag Votostogish (Vlad the Kinslayer)
Commander of the Field Army:
Capitol: Brasog
Other Cities: Gorj, Dolj
Location of Field Army: Gorj
Prestige Points:
Army Size: 24AP

Country: Grummsh
Race: Orcs
Head(s) of State: Bolg Skullcrusher
Commander of the Field Army:
Capitol: Marrow
Other Cities: Crudd and Otisburg
Location of Field Army: Otisburg
Prestige Points:
Army Size: 24AP

The Rules

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Year One Spring Moves!! (Due no later than Tuesday evening!)

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