Saturday, October 10, 2009

Campaign for Kümer – Year Two – Autumn

The Map

The Scouts of Vlad the kinslayer headed south before the army. Their hunch was, after the news of the Ilfeiriens defeat at Praenomen arrived, that the Ronarokings would give up the siege at Toctglenn and return to Cognomen, and possibly march on Praenomen again. They found Toctglenn no longer besieged and reoccupied the mountain stronghold.

The legions of Tria Nomina, meanwhile, pursued the Ilferien back to Cognomen. They were disheartened to hear the Ronarokings had given up their siege and returned to the port city.

The Second Battle of Cognomen.

The much reduced Elves march out to defend the city of Cognomen.

The also reduced Legions of Tria Nomina – ready to battle. Not so reduced as the Elves, teir only hopw was to beat down the beleaguered elves before their allies could show up…

The armies close

There was much shoving back and forth – though the Tria Nominian cavalry was driven from the field in a hail of Elvish Arrows.

… and things got pretty confused for a bit.

A legion was forced to retire and things started looking bad for the Tria nominians.

Around midday the Ronarokings finally arrived, but this seemed to only make the Tria nominians fight more desperately! A unit of Elvish Archers was knocked out…

Then the Elvish cavalry was driven from the field, and their General threatened!

The Ronarokings surrounded the Tria Nominian Generel, but were beaten off - not once but THREE TIMES! The third time the Ronaroking Berserks left the field!

Then it was the Elvish General that was once again threatened… the Elvish mages driven from the field… Everything hung in the balance! The Elf Generals body guard threw off their assailants and charged down after the legion – which was also flanked by archers and driven from the field… this was too much for the Legions of Tria Nominia and the remaining legions retired from the field of battle and back to their capitol of Praenomen….

The Siege of Marrow

In the south the army of the Sapphic League followed The Grummsh to their capitol of Marrow. Bolg Skullcrusher and his defeated mob holed up in their primitive hilltop forteress and hoped they could hold out until the Sapphists were forced to retire for the winter… and they did…. The Warrior women gave up their siege and returned to Otisburg…

Country: Tria Nomina
Race: Humans
Head(s) of State: Aculeo Bibaculus Mediocrito, Imperator of Tria Nomina
Commander of the Field Army:
Capitol: Praenomen
Other Cities: Nomen, Agnomen
Location of Field Army: retiring to Praenomen
Prestige Points: 11
Army Size: 10AP

Country: The Sapphic League of Unity and Togetherness
Race: Mixed – WOMEN!!
Head(s) of State: Myrah the Mighty, Chairperson of the Council of Empowerment of the Sapphic League of Unity and Togetherness.
Commander of the Field Army: General Libby
Capitol: Thatcherton
Other Cities: Bhutto, Beauvoir, Otisburg
Location of Field Army: Marrow (siege)
Prestige Points: 24
Army Size: 20AP

Country: The Ilferien
Race: Ilferien (Elves)
Head(s) of State: Consul Rhalasa
Commander of the Field Army: Consul Sundiasen
Capitol: Melitele
Other Cities: Anasterele, Wynstrele, Dyladele, Cognomen
Location of Field Army: Cognomen
Prestige Points: 2
Army Size: 12AP

Country: Toctland – Vassal of Transil-Valishog-Atania
Race: Dwarves
Head(s) of State: King Malaius MacDoogleg
Commander of the Field Army: General Gilgidi MacAuslin
Capitol: Ghillebrae
Other Cities: Weinglenn,
Location of Field Army: *Has no Field Army – all troops are accompanying their overlords army…
Prestige Points: 2
Army Size: 6AP*

Country: Ronarok
Race: Humans
Head(s) of State: King Claudius Hrosskellsen
Commander of the Field Army: Jarl Thorvald Skardsen
Capitol: Ludharn
Other Cities: Marham, Skohln
Location of Field Army: Cognomen
Prestige Points: 14
Army Size: 20AP

Country: Transil-Valishog-Atania
Race: Orcs
Head(s) of State: Vladimeag Votostogish (Vlad the Kinslayer)
Commander of the Field Army:
Capitol: Brasog
Other Cities: Gorj, Dolj, Toctglenn
Location of Field Army: Toctglenn
Prestige Points: 12
Army Size: 12AP

Country: Grummsh
Race: Orcs
Head(s) of State: Bolg Skullcrusher
Commander of the Field Army:
Capitol: Marrow
Other Cities: Crudd
Location of Field Army: Marrow
Prestige Points: 8
Army Size: 12AP


  1. As a nominal Greenskin Chieftain (in another HoTT campaign in a fantiverse far, far away) I cannot be seen to show any affection for elves ... but fair's fair and well played to them versus the Legion!

  2. Good to see those dastardly Trinominians finally get their comeuppance for betraying the Dwarves in the first year!
