Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More 28mm Russians for the Great Patriotic War

Another batch of Russian infantrymen…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Once again this is an assorted mix of figures from Artizan Designs and The Assault Group… mostly… I think… Actually I think there’s a Battle Honors artillery crewman in this lot as well…

I have one more batch of Soviets of about the same size as this and then they are all done… well… until I decide to bring up the strength of my woefully understrength “company”. Or perhaps I will leave it as it is as "woefully understrength" would probably be more "accurate"...

I also have a gun, a Gaz light truck, and a KV-2 to finish up.

I would like to add some more equipment options that could be attached to the company for various scenarios... couple more tanks and/or assault guns, mortar(s), a lighter gun (I think the one I have is a 78mm - I'd like a 45mm, if anyone makes such a thing!?).

Before I go buying (and painting) any more Russians, however, I'd like to finish up the Germans I have... and the British... and all my "Pulp Adventurers"....

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