Sunday, May 2, 2010

Canucks, Krauts, and French Ladies…

A couple more things rolling off the workbench…

These are a couple of Artizan Designs British I thought I’d paint up as Canadians. Though I have just started an East Front Campaign over at Savage Timmy’s Playhouse, I am already plotting and planning for a Canadian WW2 Skirmish Campaign. I think the battle dress green might be a tad dark on these chaps...

A couple others that may be handy for an Canadian campaign (or any WW2 campaign really…); a French civilian and an SS trooper, both from West Wind Productions… I think… The civilian definitely is, the SS trooper I got in a trade, but he looks a lot like a West Wind figure. A bit on the smallish size, but then that will be perfect for a teenager from the 12th SS (Hitlerjugend) that the Canadians faced in Normandy.

As mentioned I have just started a Savage Worlds East Front Campaign skirmish campaign. I’m posting the battle reports over at Savage Timmy’s Playhouse - another blog of mine that originally was supposed to be for reports of Role-playing games I ran on Savage Saturday. Originally I was going to report the skirmish campaign games here – it being more of a straight up war game and all… as I have with previous savage Worlds tabletop games… But in the end I decided to post all my Savage Worlds games there… so to see what’s going on in that campaign you’ll have to roll over to Savage Timmy’s Playhouse.

While I’m plugging my other blogs… if you haven’t found them (by checking out the blogger profile) I also have a blog about cycling (Tim’s Bike Blog) and I’ve just started yet another to chronicle some of the art I’ve been working on lately and in the past; Tim’s Art Blog

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Fallshirmjägers... four of them just needing their bases finished. I've been fooling around trying to get their camo right... and not entirely impressed with the results so far...

After that...? More Fallshirmjägers…? More Canucks…? JAPANESE…?!

Never can tell sometimes…

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