Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Darkest Africa (not-so-WW2-ish)

I guess there could be some pulpy WW2 shenanigans going on in East Africa – Maybe nazis trying to recruit some infamous retired Great War Schutztruppe commander, that stayed on in Tanganyika to farm after it’s transfer to British Administration, to lead an insurrection against the British colonial administration…? Yeah. It’s a bit of a stretch…

I think these will more likely see use in our Realms of Cthulhu campaign - perhaps a “Return to Africa” to seek out answers after their Previous Adventure in East Africa

I’m pretty sure all of these are from The Foundry - they were picked up in lots off ebay…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Some Thug/Bandit/Mercenary types…

…and some villagers…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Germans… no, really…


  1. Love the villagers Tim, well done.


  2. Nice work! They do look like Foundry (from waht I recall seeing of the Darkest Africa line in their catalogs).

  3. Nice looking models. I always find dark skin tones a real challenge to paint.
