Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Back to Painting WW2 Soviets… Mostly…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

The last batch (I think) of the old Harlequin (now Black Tree Design) Soviets.

A couple figures to use for a renewed Legends of the Five Rings campaign. The Phoenix Clan samurai (on the right) is an actual WOTC/AEG Clan War Figure. The other one came in a Ral Partha Shadowrun pack – I think they were netrunner icons…? Anyway I thought It might be fun to use as some sort of summoned jade samurai servant… or something…

A couple more armed civilians for generic political unrest. The submachineguns would place them a little more firmly in time and space as I doubt there were many stens or MP40s available during, say, the Spanish Civil War (or the “Very British” one…). The woman with the MP40 is from Artizan Designs, the fellow with the sten is from Bolt Action Miniatures/Warlord Games

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I’ve reorganized my workbench and have things laid out for the next couple batches. The next lot should be some WW2 Canadians. Following them should be some 1920s/30s Civilians. After those there are the last of the Phoenix Clan stuff and assorted other fantasy bits – Elves, mostly…

I am still going to try and paint more than I’ve purchased this year… at least the 28mm foot… I just don’t think I’ll be able to catch up with the Vehicles/big nasties and mounted stuff… Of course just to catch up with the foot I’ll have to paint close to 25 figures per week for the next four months. Probably won’t pull it off… but I’m going to TRY! That should finish up all of the WW2 figures I have and get going on some new armies/options for Hordes of the Things and DBA – which I’ve had a hankering to get back into…

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