Monday, August 9, 2010

Fallshirmjägers, etc.

Another busy night… Amanda’s on vacation and wanted to watch season three of Dexter (well half of it)…. kids were at a sleepover at my folks… all adds up to another productive night of painting for tim! At least this evening I mostly stuck to one nationality… mostly…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

These are Fallshirmjägers from Crusader Miniatures. I finally settled on some splinter pattern smock colours that I like…

Some more Artizan Designs late war Germans. I have to say I’m quite pleased with the way the officer turned out. There was so little detail on the rest of the figure I decided to really put some work into the hat. I have to admit I was inspired by the incredible job Tank Girl did on the piping of a Soviet Naval Infantryman not too long ago.

Another old Harlequin (now Black Tree Design) American…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

The first batch of West Wind tanks arrived in the post this morning. I may have to assemble one and paint it. Oh, it’s not restraint keeping me from doing all four – three of them were sent with two left treads… Hopefully I’ll be able to get them to sent some replacements with order #2 which is still “pending” the arrival of resin tank bodies. I have to say the tanks look nice. They also all come with turret crew, which is nice.

I have some armed civilian/partisan types that have worked their way to the front of the painting table along with some more rifle armed British Bobbies to keep them in line. Immediately to their rear are some more Soviets… The tank might get assembled before I get to then though…


  1. Nice work Tim on the painted Germans. I like the way you approach the camo.



  2. The kids are out of the house and you decide to paint? Dude--priorities!

  3. Nice work. I need some 25/28mm world war 2 for skirmishing.
