Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dark Ages and Fantasy Figure Comparison

A friend in Ottawa was wondering about some Dark Age figures (Gripping Beast in particular) and how they compared to other figures, so I thought I’d just post some of the comparison photos I took for all to see.

Just to make the GW lawyers happy, but save me some time with all the captions, ALL of the GW figures pictured here are © Games Workshop 2003. All rights reserved. Used without permission - model painted by tim brown. In fact ALL the figures posted here are © of the respective companies, All rights are reserved, used entirely without their permission (though one would assume when they let me buy it they were giving me “permission” to make use of them…), and painted by myself. I’ll list links to all their websites should you feel the urge to run off and buy loads of all of their figures based on these pictures….

(The GW-LOTR stuff might also be © New Line Cinemas, All rights reserved. Used without permission, etc…. just thought I’d throw that out there…)

Sorry about the quality of the photos – normally I like to shoot outside in natural light, but it’s -45°C outside today in Saskatoon… I’d have frozen my fingers right off!!

Most of these have been posted on teh blog before, but are arranged here for size comparison. I have a lot more Gripping Beast stuff, but they're mostly on multi-figure bases with other Gripping Beast Models or Old Glory figures which doesn't really help for our purposes here today...

The figures in all the captions are listed left to right.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Old GW Norse Archer (I think), Gripping Beast Berserker, Old GW Norse (I think), Gripping Beast merchant (or sea captain…?), Old Glory Viking looter, Gripping Beast Viking mom and kid, Foundry Valkyrie.

Foundry Viking Archer, Gripping Beast Berserker, Old GW Norse (I think), Gripping Beast merchant/sea captain, Crusader Miniatures (might actually be a Saxon commander…), Gripping Beast Viking mom and kid, Crusader Miniatures (pretty sure it’s an Anglo-Saxon commander…)

Ral Partha Orc archer (might have been called “Greater Goblins”), Gripping Beast Berserker, Old GW Norse (I think), Gripping Beast merchant/sea captain, GW/LOTR Eowyn, Gripping Beast Norman, another Ral Partha Orc archer

Ral Partha Orc archer (might have been called “Greater Goblins”), Gripping Beast Berserker, Old Citadel (“pre-slotta”) Orc Warrior, Gripping Beast Monk, GW/LOTR Saruman, Gripping Beast Norman, GW (or Marauder?) Dark Elf Witch Elf.

Ral Partha Orc archer, Gripping Beast Norman, GW Shadow Elf, Gripping Beast Berserker, GW/LOTR Aragorn, Gripping Beast Norman, GW (or Marauder?) Dark Elf Witch Elf.

i-Kore Celtos dude, Gripping Beast merchant/sea captain, Ral Partha Orc archer, Gripping Beast Norman, another i-Kore Celtos dude, another Gripping Beast Norman, Reaper Miniatures Elf Queen.

Reaper Miniatures Ranger, Gripping Beast merchant/sea captain, Ral Partha Orc archer, Gripping Beast Norman, another i-Kore Celtos dude, GW/LOTR Gandalf (Hmmmm… didn’t switch them up much that time…)

GW Character of some sort, Gripping Beast merchant/sea captain, i-Kore Celtos Hottie, Gripping Beast Norman, Ral Partha Orc archer, Gripping Beast Norman, I’Kore Celtos dwarf

Old Glory Irish axeman, Gripping Beast merchant/sea captain, Old Glory Axeman (Saxon or Viking… it’s hard to tell… they’re all the same), Gripping Beast Norman, Ral Partha Orc archer, Gripping Beast Monk, Foundry Pict Fanatic

i-Kore Celtos Elf Archer, Gripping Beast merchant/sea captain, Harlequin/Black Tree Design Saxon archer, Gripping Beast Norman, Ral Partha Orc archer, Gripping Beast Monk, Old Citadel (“pre-slotta”) Orc Warrior


Here’s where you can find any of those mentioned that are still in production:

Black Tree Design
Crusader Miniatures
The Foundry
Games Workshop
Gripping Beast
Celtos previously i-Kore, currently available from Brigade Models.
Old Glory
Ral Partha
Reaper Miniatures

I think that’s all of them…?

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Darkest Africa most likely… though getting these out of the boxes has got me thinking…


  1. Great article...not only good to see them all side by side but you´ve done a good job with the painting of them.

  2. "GW (or Marauder?) Dark Elf Witch Elf." is definitely a GW miniature. :) and kudos on the paint jobs! Very well done. Have you happen to have any of the GB Romans that you can compare to a GW miniature perchance?

  3. Great to see some comparisons thanks for that.. how did you do the orc skin? It's perfect for some red orcs I want to do..

    1. Thanks Dale. I simply did a base coat of a dark brown and highlighted with an orange of some sort. I couldn't tell you which one - it was a few years back that I painted these. I've done others in reddish brown, or just brown - which I really liked. I'm kind of sick of the standard GW green orcs...
