Thursday, May 5, 2011

A Long Time Ago…

…in a galaxy far, far away…

The boy has been crazy interested in Star Wars lately and, I have to admit, his dad was pretty interested in the same when he was his age. So I’ve been picking up a few (well… more than a few...) of the old West End Games/Grenadier Star Wars miniatures.

Luke and Stormtrooper.

They’re both the same scale and from the same line – but the kneeling stormtrooper is almost as tall as standing Luke… a problem that plagues many miniature lines…

If Luke looks a bit like rubbish it’s because it’s a poorly cast knock-off I unwittingly picked up off ebay… long story… tends to get me cranky and I’ve “let it go”… so just… don’t ask…

I also have a gen-u-ine West End Games/Grenadier Luke to paint up as well… Not sure why I even bothered to do this one. Should have gone into the melting pot with the others. When I get a few more painted up I'll try a little skirmish game with the kids using Savage Worlds. They are going to FREAK OUT!!

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Hobgoblins… no, really…


  1. These look the business, Tim I am impressed, mate! Don't worry about the height issue either between scales 'aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?' etc...

  2. Thanks!

    I was thinking about the exact same line as I wrote this post!

  3. I've got a few of these floating around. I've got to get my hands on a few more, Stormtroopers would be a fun unit for Ambush Alley.
