Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sergeant Major – Rifleman – Gladiator

Just a couple new ones…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

An odd Sergeant Major from Wargames Foundry that doesn’t currently belong to any particular unit… Oh, I painted him with green facings, so he’s ostensibly from the 24th (South Wales Borderers)… but I have all my units organized into units of 15 men of like manufacture… and this chap isn’t currently on strength with any of them…

A Riflemen from Old Glory. The figure is realy just a line infantryman I’ve painted in the colours of the Rifles… I think the only real (distinguishable) difference would be that he should have a sword bayonet… But, honestly, if I hadn’t just told you… how many would have known… I’m not sure there’s actually anyone out there that specifically MAKES riflemen for this conflict (with Sword bayonets), so…

I have two British units on the go – The rifles and another line regiment. Both are about half done – yesterday I realized I wasn’t going to be able to finish up either so I finished off this sole rifleman just to see what they’d look like. The rest of the unit shall follow shortly.

On the plus side; old glory supplies their units in bags of 30. This is really handy for me because as I mentioned, I am organizing my forces into units of 15. Within certain bags of certain units types of certain ranges – usually ones you wouldn’t be fielding multiple units of - they include some sort of command. Usually this includes two officers/musicians/standard bearers – if it’s of an era that would have such things – this is even MORE awesome – again because of my current organization I get two complete units – command and all…!? Unfortunately, I’m guessing they assume for the Zulu War, one would be wanting a whole lot of British regulars so the command stuff is sold in a separate bag… so from this bag I will have two units of 15… with no officer… At some point I’d like to track down and officer for the two units (though from a different line - I won’t be buying another whole bag of OG stuff… just to get a couple officers!?)… but then I end up with two extra dudes... You might think – “what’s the big deal?” but the drawers I store these in fit neat lines of 10 figures – thus making units of 15 take up exactly one and a half rows… yeah… I’m that A-R about these things…


..and another Gladiator for my own team. The figure is from Black Tree Design. I’ve read some disparaging things about BTDs service, and indeed a year or so ago my firend Gary ordered some stuff from them and I think it took more than three.. maybe even four or five months to get all his stuff… But I’ve ordered a number of things from them (the USA supplier) this year (starting off with very small orders to fill in some gaps in units I’d picked up off ebay) and have had no trouble at all. A couple times things have been back-ordered – but they’ve followed along a couple weeks later…

Our Savage Saturday Gladiator Campaign had been raging on for a couple weeks (two weeks “real world time”, four weeks of “campaign time”). I have yet to field any of my own team members (too busy running the show)… perhaps next week….

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

The Rifles!! Then probably a line regiment… Then Zulus or Martians!!


  1. Nice work on those figures. All of them full of character and colorful. Regards, Dean

  2. Thanks Dean! I have to say I was very much inspired by YOUR gladiators!!
