Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cops… Zombies… Zombie Cops…

Did someone say they wanted to see Zombies…?

A week or so ago I read the first four volumes of the Walking Dead graphic novel series. This last week I watched season one of the AMC TV series….



(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Not a Zombie… and not really a cop either. This is “Penny Lovemore” from the “Lovemore Detective Agency” pack from Wargames Foundry. She’ll probably be used more often as a Special Investigator for the FBI (or RCMP? Or whatever…) perhaps investigating the ridiculous claims of a zombie invasion…?

ZOMBIES!! The School Crossing Guard is from RAFM and the other three are from Mega Miniatures

Here’s the back side of that crossing guard.

This brings my Zombie Horde up to 23. I have another 28 or so to paint (mostly from the Mega Minis pack). Is that enough…?

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Zombies…? Zulus…? Zombie Zulus!? Something starting with “Z”!?


  1. Your zombies look fantastic. Could you possiably post more of all your zombies?

  2. Thanks!

    The other ones I have that are finished were painted years ago and aren't nearly so good... I'll probably be painting some more in the near future and they will all be posted as I get them finished.

  3. Excellent work Tim. Very nicely done.

  4. "Is that enough…?"

    There is no such thing as enough zombies.

  5. Nothing makes me smile like zombies. Not sure why the undead should give me a chuckle, but those are nicely done!
