Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Undead…

…but NOT zombies…

Since the kids are enamored with Hordes of the Things, I thought I’d start painting up a few figures I had kicking around for a while. Some are stands to add to existing armies, others for completely new ones. Because I like feeling like I’m accomplishing stuff, I thought I’d start with something super fast and easy – skeletons!

Also the girl (5) has expressed an interest in playing “undead” – I know what your thinking: pre-pre-teen goth girl in the making… and that may very well be… but she doesn’t seem to associate undeath with “evil”. Probably due to the Scary Godmother and Magic Trixie graphic novels we’ve been reading her…

Maybe the leader of her army could be tragic character - distraught by the loss of her daughter she turned to necromancy...

Maybe I'm thinking about it too much... Maybe I should just find an appropriate Scary Godmother or Magic Trixie figure to lead an army. Defending the "Fright Side" from fiendish invaders...

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Some Skeleton Archers from… Uh… Ral Partha?

A couple of the same based singly for Savage skirmishin’.

A frightful character…! I think this is from I-Kore’s Celtos…? I got it out a Bargain bin for $1… the original price tag was, I believe $18…. Yoinks! This has been in the to be painted box for some time. I remember when I originally assembled it I debated whether to put it one a round base for skirmishin’ or a big square base for HotT… I may still switch it up… Though I’m not entirely sure what I’d classify it as in HotT? Magician? (Anti-)Hero? (Evil) Paladin?

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

More o’ the same – HotT fantasy stuff… fantasy Skirmish stuff… Zulus… Zombies… Giant Robot Monsters… who knows!?


  1. That's excellent -- it's great that you can make gaming a family thing!

  2. I used a 60mm round base for my undead war mammoth for HOTT. I think it works.

  3. Right. This is smaller than 60mm - so I guess if I really ended up wanting to use it in HotT AND in Savage Worlds I could always make a sabot base for it... I've done that before...

    Of course most of those I just ended up re-basing onto permanent HotT bases... Usually when I realized that I used it more in HotT than in anything else (if at all). In the case of dragons and giants - things that big could still be used in skirmish games on a great big HotT base....

    We shall see...

  4. Lovely work as always mate. I'm planning an undead force with GW plastic bows, spears and spiders amongst other things myself. Yours is great inspiration!

    How do you find the kids go with HOTT? I've been considering suckering mine into gaming that way but they seem much more interested in things electronic...

  5. I'm reading this after the Hairy Hooligan game- great to see interest being taken in HOTT - may the scary dark stuff be defeated by the agents of light...

  6. It's going good - game #2 went over much better (see new post)

    We lack "things electronic" around here. In fact the boy is only marginally aware of their existence... Kids have showed up at classes they take with various devices - but my kids aren't interested in those kids because... well... they don't interact! They just look at their little device and... do whatever they are doing with them ignoring everyone else around them.

    We read a lot - a lot of fantasy; Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Mouse Guard, Bone, The Amulet, etc.... so they're pretty pumped about fantasy stuff. They have wild and vivid imaginations and dig playing with REAL STUFF - so they are both totally PUMPED to get to play with "dad's toys". HotT will be a good gateway game to DBA and DBA on to other things historical...


    I've also been reading Larry Gonick's Cartoon History of the Universe with them... as we get to greeks and Romans hopefully I'll be able to bust out some of those... and onwards gaming through the ages...
