Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Hi-ho, hi-ho, it’s off to war we go…

I was sick all last week. I didn’t paint a thing… I can’t remember the last time I went so long without painting a damn thing. I was starting to wonder if I’d ever paint again – I kind of got out of the routine and looking at all the stuff to do overwhelmed me and filled me with a sense of dread at the thought of getting back into things..

Then my pal Tim Miller popped by for an evening of painting and I polished off these dwarves I’d started a few weeks ago and I’m more or less feeling back in the swing of things…. though I still have this annoying nagging cough… ugh…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

These Dwarves are from Old Glory.

I think I have another three or four stands of these and other generic fantasy Dwarves. They will slowly begin to replace the mish-mash of assorted stands that currently make up my Standard Generic Dwarf HOTT Army. Until I finished these I had six stands of blade in the army, but all of them were originally intended for other armies. Three of them are Dwarf “Shield Maidens” that were ostensibly for Amanda’s all girl HOTT army, and the other three are Dwarf Highlanders which were originally intended for an army of their own…

I also have handful of GW Dwarf Thunderers (dwarves armed with guns) for shooters. I’d like to replace those at some point with some bow or crossbow armed Dwarves – I like my fantasy dark-age-ish. Gun powder just doesn’t do it for me in fantasy settings.

I also had picked up a cannon for the army… I don’t know if I’ll ever get around to painting it. I’d much rather have some sort of stone thrower or ballista for artillery… I was going to say; "I don't know what I was thinking" picking up the cannon, but then remembered came from a bargain bin... (sucker for a crazy good deal)

My plan eventually is to have a couple of Dwarf armies. These chaps which I’ll call “Mountain Dwarves” will be one – generic fantasy Dwarves. Another will be the “Highland Dwarves”. I have six stands worth of Dwarves in Kilts from Old Glory (half of which are painted), and at some point I’ll pick up a few more stands worth, either from Old Glory or West Wind (who also make Dwaves in kilts)… Old Glory also happens to make some Dwarven Samurai… which I think are hilarious and would love to put together an army of…. But I’m not even going to think about ordering those until I finish the first two.

Oh, and then I have about half an army worth of mixed plastic and metal GW Lord of the Rings Dwarves…. Not sure what to do about those…. Pick up some more plastics to finish off ANOTHER (fourth) army of dwarves? Ditch the plastics and incorporate the metal ones into the existing armies…? I should probably just ditch those plastics... (anyone want some plastic GW-LOTR Dwarves..? might have some elves and humans to throw into the deal...? Bob...? Anyone...?)

Still worse is there’s another lot of dwarves that I really love the look of… that I wouldn’t mide making an army of…

Molon Lab Dwarves


maybe I could just pick up a pack or two and work them into the Mountain dwarf army as additional/optional Blade... Or have a stando r two of them in a Narnian army...

Anyway… I also happened to finish up another casualty marker…

Also from Old Glory…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Just finishing up some Napoleonic Riflemen....

I know... I know....

At least it's a little more sensible that last week - I was sick and killing time and found myself on Renegade Miniatures site checking out the 5 for 4 deals and caught myself trying to figure out how many regiment packs I'd need to put together a matched set (Union and Confederate) of DBA-ACW armies!? Yeah... You read that right American Civil War... I must be brain damaged...!?

Maybe it was the cough medicine...


  1. The painting of the dwarves is magnificent. Shileds and details are fab!

  2. Great paint job! I've got both the OG dwarves andthe Molon Lab dwarves. Both are really nice but I prefer the sculpts of the latter. Although the OG ones have more pose variation.

  3. You just got to love Dwarves, well done Tim!

