Sunday, November 20, 2011

War of 1812 Infantryman Sculpt

Here’s where my latest sculpt is at…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

(plus a few of the others I’m working on in the background…)

No, he’s not balding, I’ve left the top blank to add different hats (shakos for regulars and top hats and wide brimmed hats, etc for some of the militia).

I was thinking I might make a mould at this point and cast some dolls. Then I can add different hats to the dolls and have them holding muskets in a variety of positions (mostly marching), add haversacks and canteens and maybe knapsacks on a few… then make moulds of those and cast by the dozens! Huzzah!

I thought I might even cut of the cartridge box and turn the bayonet scabbard into a sword scabbard and make an officer figure…? Maybe even some ensigns…?

I may or may not add cording on the front of the jacket - perhaps just leaving that as "paint-on detail", keping them just a bit more generic...

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

More pics of the modeling…? I totally cleared the workbench of painting projects – planning to only get out ONE at a time (so as not to get so easily distracted…. We’ll see how that works out…).


  1. I like it. I think that's a good approach, to make a basic figure, cast it up, and then build further figures on that.
    It looks like you're using greenstuff. Have you ever tried Procreate? I bought some a while back, but have yet to do any sculpting with it. It's supposed to better at holding sharp edges.

  2. I do actually have some ProCreate. I picked it up ages ago... over a year... maybe two... but for some reason have yet to try it out!? It was a little harder to track down than green stuff at the time and a bit more expensive... so it somehow became "precious" only to be used to "something special".

    It's weird. It's like this pad of watercolour paper my mom bought for me as a young teen after I'd taken a watercolour painting class. I remember he telling me it was "good" paper and "not cheap" and was thus for making "good paintings" - y'know not for just mucking about with... I never ended up using it. I found it years later in the bottom of a box that's moved about with me from house to house for decades... When I found it I remember looking at it and seeing the price tag and laughing - because what I was buying myself to paint on by that point was far more expensive.... but I had somehow built up in my mind that it was far to precious to use and could only use it when I had the skill to make something beautiful on it... of course if you don't actually practice (and on decent paper) how is one ever to get "skilled enough"?!

    I've tried, at least with drawing and painting stuff, to always by quality materials and USE them... but somehow, have got caught in the "it's too precious" cycle with the ProCreate...

    That's it... next figure I sculpt I'll use the damn ProCreate!!
