Tuesday, February 14, 2012


These are not Anglo-Saxon Spearmen… Those are being worked on, butI’m doing them in a HUGE batch… and, anytime I do that, I’ve always got a few other things sitting on the side of the workbench that I’m bringing along at the same time. So these Centaurs, lacking clothes and shields, happened to get finished up just a touch quicker…

As I may have mentioned before, the kids are suddenly super stoked about Greek Mythology and I’m not going to let that one go! Expect to see an entire Centaur army in the not to distant future – along with a couple Early Greek Hoplite armies… and more than a few singly-based heroes and beasts for skirmish gamin’…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

This figure is from Reaper Miniatures and will be Magician element in my Hordes of the Things Centaur army… I’d briefly thought of classifying her as a cleric – as I though she looked like a shameness and might be better off providing anti-magic support… but clerics go sooooo ssssllloooooowwww…. I guess I could go with Paladin – faster moving, anti-magic effects, hard-hitting-but-brittle…

I’ll probably go with Magician – she looks pretty powerful and with that staff pointing towards the sky could be calling on Zeus the bring down lightning terror on her enemies…

I’m not sure about this figure… I think if might be from WOTC Chainmail line for some reason, but I’m not entirely sure. Regardless, it’s a nice figure and may turn up as an ally in some not-too-distant-future Savage Worlds game of Heroic Greek Legend.

I'd briefly thought of submitting these to Curt at Analogue Hobbies to be counted as part of his Annual Painting Challenge... and trying to convince them that they are "historical" because Herodotus mentioned Centaurs at Troy... but then thought the better of it...

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Anglo-Saxon Spearmen… No, really. I just have some clothes and the shields to finish up…

Of course, I also have a couple of Minotaurs on the workbench... and a Gorgon... and a Satyr.... and some more Greeks....


  1. For some reason I prefer the top photograph to all the rest.

    Great looking figures - and they would have gone down very well in 1066...

  2. Looking at that female centaur, I rather think she would have strong mesmeric powers... especially when she started trotting...
    Tsk, tsk, dude! Nice figures, but!

  3. He is indeed a Chainmail miniature.
