Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Game Plan 2012 – Second Quarter

Well with the Dark Age DBA Campaign and the Analogue Hobbies Spring Thaw Painting Challenge all over with it’s time to take a look ahead and see what I’m planning for the rest of the year…

According to the original 2012 Game Plan I was planning to run a Hordes of the Things campaign in June and the Battle of Queenston Heights in October. I’d also planned to play a number of Board Games, of which I have managed to play NONE!?

Currently I am still planning to run a Hordes of the Things campaign in June some time, but it will likely be a smaller affair with a few select individuals – that I may actually PLAY with! All previous campaigns I’ve only ran the show and acted as referee. I figure if I invite a very small group of people I can trust not to argue about rules and stuff I wouldn’t have to feel the need to maintain that position of “un

As for the Battle of Queenston Heights… Well… We’ll see where we’re at in June after the HOTT campaign and see where we want to go.

Board Games…? Pffft! I have no idea when I’m ever going to get around to those… I just can’t seem to find the time! Weekends and evenings just seem to be too busy with other regularly scheduled activities.

Other Recent Ideas, Plans, and Distractions…


I had thought I might try and dig out the Vimy Stuff and get the terrain fixed up to run a game on the 9 April 2012 – it’s Easter Monday – as it was on 9 April 1917 when the Canadians attacked Vimy Ridge… But that’s less than three weeks away and there’s a LOT of work to be done to fix up the terrain… so unless there was a great outcry of interest for this… Anyone…? Anyone…?

Ongoing DBA/HOTT campaign

John, I think, had suggested a regular ongoing HOTT or DBA campaign – which I would be all over – but again, finding the right people, and having them all be able to play at the same time on a regular weekly… or biweekly… or monthly(!?) basis…

Savage Worlds Campaigns

Adult Dragonlance - this is what I had been running through the fall and winter on (Savage) Saturday Nights and had been going pretty good for a while… but we haven’t played in over a month… partly due to preparation for the Dark Age DBA campaign… partly due to other s being away or busy with other things. I’ve been losing steam on this…

Kids Dragonlance - A campaign I’ve been running for my kids and a couple other homeschooled kids. There have been some interruptions to this campaign as well… we did get back at it a couple weeks ago, but missed last week as I was dreadfully ill… I bought all those darn Dragonlance books – I’m darn well going to run the campaign to the bitter end for at least ONE of the groups!

If I had any sense at all I’d just get back on the horse and get the Saturday night one going again – running the two campaigns simultaneously would ease my game prep workload as for I only have to prepare once and get two games out of it…

Kids Greek Myth!! My kids are super stoked about Greek Myth right now… and Foundry has conveniently released a line of Greek Mythology figures… of which I’ve ordered a few (well… MOST…). I’ve also been working on some Greek Hoplite armies for DBA as well as some individual figures for Savage Worlds Skirmishin’… so I’ve been thinking about starting a SECOND campaign for them to play in… just not sure when… and with whom… Perhaps it will be just for the kids, or perhaps we will recruit some new players…

Adult Mythos/WW2 Ghostbusters meet Gangbusters…!!! Christian brought my attention to Achtung Cthulhu! - which, I’m not about to run out and buy… and if I did (or someone else bought it FOR me…) I’d really only use it as fluff reference for a Savage Worlds campaign… but it did get me thinking about relaunching a reloaded version of our Cthulhu Campaign or the Weird War Two Campaign… I’ve been thinking about the Cthulhu campaign quite a bit for a while now – instead of even attempting any sort of classic horror campaign (as there has been nothing horrific about the campaign so far - since nobody seems to be able to take any of the Saturday night games remotely seriously!?) I thought I’d relaunch it as a Two-Fisted, Guns-blazing Gangbusters-meets-Ghostbusters, Over-the-Top Pulp Comedy Adventure campaign…

I’d actually picked up the Call of Cthulhu’s Beyond the Mountains of Madness campaign book and even picked up some mountaineer and polar explorer figures and some Gebirgsjagers ages ago and was planning pretty much the same thing (as Acthung Cthulhu) - making one of the rival explorer groups NAZIS!? Shortly after that the campaign would catch up with and cross over with the Weird War Two campaign... which would become a whole lot weirder...

Of course that doesn't take place until The late 1930s... and we left off the campaign in 1922.... I'd plotted out a timeline of all the Cthulhu Adventures I own through the 20s and 30s.... and there were many...

So many games to play… so little time…


Well what to get painting then…? a few of the things weighing heavily on my mind at the moment…
Greek Myth – when they arrive…
DBA Hoplite armies! Acouple of them to run a campaign!
DBA Egyptians (just bought some during the recent Foundry sale…)
DBA Nubians? (don’t actually have any… but they’d be a good historical opponent for the Egyptians and relatively small and quick and easy to paint up…)
Space Ships – I don’t know… I just feel like painting some…
20mm WW2 Germans (Heer and SS), Canadians, Paras?
28mm WW2! Because a lot of it is so close to completion… and the whole Weird War Two thing…
28mm Great War!? Since I finished the Russian Infantry Brigade and recently played an Ever Contemptible Victorious Little Black Powder Armies (of DOOM!) game… and had a lot of fun!
Finish up some stuff to sell off…

Hmmmm… the 1812 stuff didn’t even get on that list… maybe I should can the idea of Queenston Heights for this year and plan for a Greek Hoplite/City State campaign for the fall!


I’ve been thinking (for a looooong time) it’s time to start getting rid of some stuff… Some of it I’ll never use.. some of it I might… but I’d rather have something else and I have limited space…
HOTT Elves and Orcs
15mm WW2 8th Army, DAK, Early War Germans
Isengard HOTT army?
Rohan HOTT army?

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