Monday, August 13, 2012

Magical Faerie Ballerina on Flying Rainbow Unicorn Defends Rome

It’s been too damn long since me and the kids got some gamin’ in. So we threw down with some HOTT this afternoon.

After her crushing defeat at the hands of Isengard (hmmmm… I don’t’ seem to have done a game report for that one…?), the Magical Faerie Ballerina on Flying Rainbow Unicorn went traveling and found herself in Rome, which was beset by a host of evil smelling Orcish invaders. Determined to protect innocent peoples (and apparently Romans…) from evil Orcish invaders she took up their cause and led them in a defence of their lands.


The Army of Rome (a little known province of the Roman Empire)
1x Aerial Hero (Magical Faerie Ballerina on Flying Rainbow Unicorn)
1x Fliers (Harpies)
4x Blade (Legionnaires)
4x Spear (Auxiliaries)

The Orcs of Finn
1x Rider General (Warlord of Finn)
1x Behemoth (Cyclops)
3x Beasts (Wolf packs)
1x Warband (Orcs on foot)
5x Riders (Orcs on Wolves)


As ever (it seems) Keira was defending against her brother’s aggressions.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

The Roman army with their Magical Faerie Ballerina on Flying Rainbow Unicorn leader and allied Harpies.

Magical Faerie Ballerina on Flying Rainbow Unicorn leading from the front as all Magical Faerie Ballerina Generals on Flying Rainbow Unicorns should.

Wolf packs in the woods. Unfortunately because they were in the woods, and the general was waaaaaaay down at the other end of the line, they didn’t end up doing much…

The rest of the Orcish army

Opening moves. Keira only rolled one PIP so she couldn’t even move her aerials (if she’d rolled 2 I’m sure they would have surged ahead on their own!) so the rest of the line moved up and passed them. The Orc army maneuvers to align with the Roman defenders.

HA! TWO PIPs! The Magical Faerie Ballerina on Flying Rainbow Unicorn and Harpies shot past the Roman sloggin across the field below on foot and went straight for… THE BEHEMOTH!? Um… okay…

(actually I think she might have had three PIPs and brought the rest of the army up behind her...)

The first round of action was inconclusive. The Warband thrown back, the Magical Faerie Ballerina on Flying Rainbow Unicorn and the Cyclops were locked in battle!

The Orcs move and flank both ends of the line!

Magical Faerie Ballerina on Flying Rainbow Unicorn and the harpies were thrown back…

Things looked like they were going to go really, really bad for the Romans. The Orcs rider general was at the end of the line and had his opponent flanked… +4 vs. +2 and a quick-kill… but the steady legionnaires threw them back, and then slaughtered another group of wolfriders and sent the remainder fleeing from the table!

At the other end of the line the wolves, too, were thrown back and in the subsequent bound were followed up and chased off the table edge!

The following bound the harpies (aided by the Magical Faerie Ballerina on Flying Rainbow Unicorn) destroyed the Orcish Warband.

All down the line Orcs were being thrown back.

On the following bopund Finnegan rolled the first of a steady stream of ones for his PIP rolls and used it to have his general fall back in line with the other wolf riders.

The Romans and their Magical Faerie Ballerina on Flying Rainbow Unicorn leader pressed their advantage, surging forward once again. 

Not much happened, but on the following bound the Orc General once again flanked the end of the Roman line. Once again they were thrown back!

The legionaaires followed up and the Magical Faerie Ballerina on Flying Rainbow Unicorn, not wishing to follow the Cyclops into the woods flew over to lend a helping hand.

Now it was Warlord Finn’s turn to throw back his enemies in a desperate-against-the-odds-melee

This is just getting to be a mess… I can’t even begin to explain.

But it worked out for Finn – as the orcs took down a few Romans – trying to level the playing field a bit..

The Magical Faerie Ballerina on Flying Rainbow Unicorn returned to fighting the Cyclops.

The Cyclops reeled and the ferocity of the Magical Faerie Ballerina on Flying Rainbow Unicorn assault.

Unable to engage the flying Magical Faerie Ballerina on Flying Rainbow Unicorn, but not wanting to be followed up and pushed further back into his own units (and thereby crushing them!) the Cyclops moved forward again.

On the following bound Auxiliary spearmen were brought in on the Cyclops’ flank

…and was destroyed.

Finnegan finally got a decent PIP roll and with the center open decided to make an end run with three riders to try and capture the stronghold

But the Magical Faerie Ballerina on Flying Rainbow Unicorn (and her harpy friends)

… and they put and end to that idea.

And that was the end of the game.

The Romans had lost two units of Legionnaires, the Orcs of  Finn had lost their Cyclops, the warband, a pack of wolves and two bands of wolf riders…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Just finishing up base details on the Great War Canadian MG teams. I shouldhave them posted tomorrow sometime. 


  1. Thanks for very nice report! "flying Magical Faerie Ballerina on Flying Rainbow Unicorn" (of DOOM!!!) made my day :D


  2. What an awesome batrep. Remind me never to mess w the MFBoFRU

  3. The Magical Faerie Ballerina on Flying Rainbow Unicorn (and her harpy friends) must always be feted by the ROMANS. A new goddess has appeared on the horizon.

    The Magical Faerie Ballerina on Flying Rainbow Unicorn (and her harpy friends) must now be named!

    awesome fun.

  4. I trust the Rainbow Unicorn got an extra ration of cotton candy in its feed bag. Well Done.

  5. Great report! Both sides fought hard and smart.

  6. Thanks all. It's always a good time playing with the kids. This afternoon we played some Savage Worlds - There should be a report of that game up on the other blog (Savage Timmy’s Playhouse) tonight or tomorrow.
