Sunday, October 7, 2012

A Few More Moderns

An odd assortment of stuff on my workbench these days… here’s a few that rolled off of there last night….

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

Prisoners from The Assault Group.

More spare SAS troopers from The Assault Group that I tried to paint in CADPAT Arid so I could try and pass these guys off as JTF-2 Assaulters.

One more French Foreign Legionnaire from Eureka Miniatures.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

After yesterday’s game I’m tempted to bust out the remaining Star Wars figures and get them painted up… But I’m trying to stay focused and get the Foreign Legionnaires before something else arrives in the mail on Tuesday and totally distracts me!? (Yes, there are... er... *cough*... a few more minis inbound… which, I know, is ridiculous...) 


  1. Nice work Tim.

    By the way did you paint the Westwind Montagnards?



    1. Thanks Helen.

      No, I have not yet painted the Montagnards. I should probably just get them done - they wouldn't be hard. I seem to recall they were mostly nekkid with loin cloths and assault rifles... The occasional guy was wearing a gas mask or something weird...!? I think they lack of genuine historical usefulness keeps me from just getting them done...

  2. Thanks Tim.

    I was reading where the PAVN used their PT 76 to assault the CIDG (Special Forces) fire-base including Montagnards and had to withdraw. A great scenario to do. Brent from Company B has indicated that the PT 76 is on the list to be done.

    Thanks again,


    1. Neat.

      Use something else. I'll admit I'm no expert, but the pictures I have seen of Montagnards, they generally seem to be wearing some clothes - often fatigues. The West Wind one seem more inspired by Apocalypse Now than history.

      I'd though of using West Winds WW2 Pacific Marines as Montagnards... paint their skin a bit darker... and add the occasional M16 or AK-47?

  3. Thanks Tim. I'm more than happy to wait as I've plenty to paint until ten.

    Nice idea using the US Marines.


