Tuesday, October 30, 2012

More Modern Africans, etc.

I finished up the last of the ZANLA from Eureka Miniatures. they will probably see more action as regulars in the Peoples Revolutionary Army of Timbogo (P.R.A.T.).

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

The aforementioned ZANLA from Eureka Miniatures.

I’m not totally happy with the beret colour. Essentially I’d wanted black – but I rarely just paint something black – I usually highlight it a bit with a “Charcoal Grey”… Except I’d used the Charcoal grey to highlight their hair… So I’d tried using a really dark blue… then (as you see them now) a “Black Plum”… I think I may actually just go back and paint them straight black…

Just as I was finishing these up another parcel arrived from Eureka Miniatures USA with some modern US Marines and Taliban.

Also rolling off the workbench: a “Fat Veteran with Machinegun” from Black Cat Bases. I thought I might use him as a foreign mercenary training consultant who claimed to have past experience with the SAS (or US Special Forces… or French Foreign Legion… depending on who he was talking to… he once even claimed to be ex-Spetznaz…). He calls himself Colonel Weisz, and he only ever speaks in French – with a think Irish accent…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

More painting… Likely modern… 


  1. You've got me jonesing for some AK-47 Republic big time.

  2. Great work Tim. I like the khaki uniform. Is this a mix of paint or neat and please what brand.



    1. Thanks Helen!

      It's just a mix I made up myself. I think it was mostly Decoart Americana "Fawn" and Folk Art Artist's Pigments "Fawn". Unfortunately the latter is no longer being made and my last bottle is getting thinner and thinner...

  3. Thanks Tim for your reply.



  4. Great work, Tim! Lovely figs, that Eureka stuff... I think you're right about the berets - just go with black.

  5. Hi Tim,

    I just wanted to let you know about a competition we’re running for model makers and hobbyists on our site
    In a nutshell we’re asking model makers to send us a picture of their workshop/work area to be in with a chance of winning one of our Exagon Spray traps -

    They’re ideal for use in workshops and home model making areas because they’re designed to extract the maximum amount of potentially hazardous particulates and chemicals so to help create more awareness of the product we thought we’d give one away!
    In terms of how to enter, you just have to get a photo of your workspace to us. We’ll be printing off the entries we receive once the competition closes and then pulling a winner at random from a hat. (We think that makes it the fairest way!)

    Full details of the competition are here:

    I hope you are interested in entering and we’d appreciate any help you can give us to help promote the competition be it with a blog post on your site (where you can include your entry) or sharing it on any of your social profiles.
    Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback.


