Monday, October 1, 2012

PAVN Command

Last week's game of  Force on Force has kind of given me the impetus to finish up my 28mm Vietnam Collection. There’s very little I have left to do. I think there’s a few Vietnamese civilians and Viet Cong and a handful of West Wind Productions Montagnards – which look, to me, more like they were inspired by Colonel Kurtz’s troops (form Apocalypse Now) that historical Montagnards (or Degar) but.. whatever…

I think I have an M113 APC and a tank to finish up too… and enough ANZACs to finish up two sections (and I may break down and order a couple more packs to finish up a platoon…)

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

PAVN Command from West Wind Productions.

I finished these up over the weekend, but just didn't get  a chance to take pictures and post them. I also finished up painting the figures for two PAVN support weapon teams (Recoiless Rifle and Mortar) but I need to finish up the bases…

Also over the weekend I ran a Savage Worlds - East Front Weird War Two game at ToonCon 2012. You can see the report of that game over at Savage Timmy's Playhouse. maybe next year I'll be running some Force on force there...

This morning a couple packages arrived - both containing French Foreign Legionnaires from two different companies and two different periods. One was a batch of late colonial Legionnaires from Artizan Designs. The second a batch of modern Legionnaires from Eureka Miniatures. Actually I ordered the latter from Eureka Miniatures USA. Usually I ignore companies that distribute or produce miniature lines under license in the States, because it often ends up costing more per figure, and more to ship than from the UK. Eureka USA is quite different, however. The prices prices are comparable to that of Eureka in Australia (actually with the current exchange rates, they're a little better, I think...) and unlike many American sellers they don't gouge for shipping!

These are the first minis I've had for Eureka and I am very, VERY impressed!  Expect to see some painted here shortly!

(I have a feeling I may be ordering a great many more things from them shortly...)

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Hopefully those PAVN support weapon teams... and probably some French Foreign Legionnaires!


  1. I've just ordered some figures from Eureka USA as well, my first time after many orders direct from Australia. I was very pleased with both the service and the price, and I've long been impressed with Eureka's quality. I'd recommend Eureka USA to any Canadians ordering (US$7 for S&H is tough to beat!).

    Will B

  2. Nice work Tim. I really like the Westwind PAVN you have done. I might have to look at ordering some just for the hell of it. I would like to see how they compare with the Eureka PAVN I painted for Michael on behalf of Eureka. Notwithstanding some tanks to go with this force would be cool.



  3. They look great; I think you've captured the green uniform well. Best, Dean

  4. Thanks all. Hopefully we'll see them on the table soon-ish.

    Not tonight probably... but soon-ish.
