Sunday, October 14, 2012

Vietnam ANZACs

I’ve been sick again this last week. Just another cold. But what is up with that? Wasn’t I sick enough this summer!? Anyway… here’s some of the stuff I got painted…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

These Vietnam ANZACs are from The Assault Group.

Here they are with the rest of the Vietnam ANZACS I’d already painted (Including the SAS).

I just need to pick up three more packs and I’ll have an entire platoon!? Since I’m done these I can totally order more, right?! Well… I’ve been going a bit overboard with the spending and ordering of toys lately… So maybe when I finish painting the last two orders from The Assault Group (more modern British and Africans) I’ll go ahead and order the rest of the platoon…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I have an assortment of Modern British and Africans just needing their bases finished up. Expect them to be posted later today or tomorrow.

I am feeling like I’m finally on the mend, so hopefully we’ll get some gamin’ in this week too! 


  1. Great paintjob and basing on those anzacs! Thanks for sharing


  2. Sorry to hear about another bout with a cold; it is really cutting into your painting! Great stuff on the Anzacs, though.


  3. Very nice work. Good to see the old SLR in miniature.

  4. Nice work Tim on the ANZACs.


