Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Rangers and Survivors

few more rolling off the line…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

Two US Army Rangers (actually the one on the right might be a Marine…? But whatever, it was sold to me as a “Ranger” and it looks close enough, so that’s what I’m using it as…). The one on the right is from The Assault Group and the one on the left is from Britannia Miniatures. I can’t get over how much bigger the Britannia minis are!?

Here they are compared to some of the other modern Americans I have…

Four Survivors from West Wind Productions.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Gosh… hard to say… I have so darn much stuff all over the game table… Marines… Civilians... Germans… Afghans… Zombies… Trucks… Tanks… WW2 Soviets… I think it’s time for a clean up and a sorting out and prioritizing and putting away of those things I’m not immediately working on!

A little less than two weeks left in the year… I wonder if I could do another 95 figures to make it a nice even 1200 figures 28mm foot figures painted this year…? That’s only about 8 figures per day… 


  1. Excellent work on all of the different camo patterns. Impressive stuff. Best, Dean

    1. Thanks Dean. I love doing camouflage, for some reason. It's a pain in the butt mostly, but when you're done and you got it right, it looks wicked cool.

  2. You know you want to top 1200 figures! Get your nose to the grind stone, Brown!

  3. Lovely work Tim, love the survivors.



    1. Thanks Helen. They were a lot of fun to paint. (and quick and easy...).

  4. Great stuff! Wow if you have been averaging that per day you are a painting beast!

    1. Oh, I don't paint 8/day all year... that's what I'd have to do for the next two weeks to make 1200... (which would average out to about 3.3/day for the year... which is still quite a bit, I guess...).

  5. Good work, and impressive output! I like to see the comparison shot of the Marines/Rangers (just hope they don't get arguing): the last three seem to go together very well. I don't think I will ever get into 28mm, but have still always admired the beauty of the Empress figures.
