Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Painting Zombies with the Kids

My kids have been hounding me about when I’m going to let them paint some figures for some time. Over the holidaze I finally broke down and bought two sets of Wargames Factory zombies for them to assemble and paint. I figured zombies would be good place to start as it wouldn't matter if they looked a mess. They're Zombies. They're SUPPOSED to look a mess!  

A week or so ago we each assembled four of them – using similar bodies – so I could got through with them and show them – step by step – how I go about painting minis. Here are the results…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

Can you tell who did which ones?

These are Keira’s. She is six.

These are finnegan’s. He just turned nine.

Not bad for first attempts EVER – certainly far better than my first minis!

These are the ones I painted.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I have some armoured vehicles on the workbench and have to finish up a Pak40 for our first stab at Bolt Action this weekend!

Amanda just left for three weeks in Costa Rica, so productivity will probably pick up as I spend some long, lonely, cold saskatchewan winter evenings painting toys after the kids go to bed… I think she’s in for a shocker. It was -40°C (with the wind chill), it’s +35°C today where she’s going…

Of course, now that the kids are painting – I have an excuse to paint toys during the day!! 


  1. good work all around!
    (I don't think I could've picked them out)

  2. Nothing like a group of zombies to bring a family closer together!! Great results, the kids will be taking orders soon.

    Dont worry about Costa Rica, come to sunny West Australia as we also have a lovely day of 35.


  3. Well Tim, on the plus side, now that the kids are painting, it gives an excuse to buy more miniatures! Please give my regards to Finnegan & Kiera on paintjobs well done!

  4. Your kids did a great job! If I remember how I painted, back in those days... Ouch... ;)

  5. Nice, you've recruited some child labor ;). It's also nice to realize someone has even colder than we here in Finland :D

  6. I've got some figs that need to be blocked in...what are their rates?
