Tuesday, May 28, 2013

First Special Service Force

Putting together a small force of the joint Canadian-American First Special Service Force (often referred to as the Devil's Brigade.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

A couple weeks back North Star Miniatures announced on their Facebook page that new FSSF minis in parkas (including ones armed with the Johnson LMG) were now there – I took that to mean they had cast minis in stock, but depite checking Artizan’s website daily they have yet to appear… I’m guessing perhaps he meant the masters had arrived… and they are now being molded and cast. Anyway, I figured I couldn’t possibly justify buying more – even if it was to fill out a section or two that was missing vital components – if I didn’t have a few of them painted… so I painted all the ones I had!

I’m having fun with the batch-painting at the moment – after having painted so many individual zombies and modern armed civilians and survivors and whatnot. I have a strange urge to paint some 1914 French or Belgians…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

1914 French or Belgians? I have no idea.


  1. Wonderful work on these exceptional fighters. Love the movie Devils Brigade. Some of the unit appear to also have a bit in Anzio - I think Peter Falk plays a corporal. Best, Dean

    1. Thanks Dean. I know I saw the movie ages ago, but remember little about it... other than the Canadian from highland regiment was wearing boxers or some other voluminous undies under his kilt during the bar fight!? I will have to watch it again some time for inspiration.

  2. Fine painting and good overall unit feeling, I like especially those climbing (Rangers?). And once again your choice of background is enhancing figures nicely! Setting the scene, literally, good idea!

    1. Thanks Juha!

      They're sort of like rangers... parachuting, skiing, mountain rangers... I think originally it was envisioned that they would be dropped behind enemy lines to cause havoc, but then they ended up being a little more like Rangers or Commandos or hard-hitting shock troops.

  3. Great work again! I'm really impressed by quantity and quality you're showing us here all the time.

    1. Thanks Moiterei!

      I have a unit of French Foreign Legionnaires that I dug out of the heap and started on last night... I'll hopefull have them up in a couple days!

  4. These are great, nice work. I hope to get some of these figures in the near future, I'm a big of Artizan.
    1914 Belgians? Brigade Models do a great range. Got to look at these at Salute this year and they are very nice.

    1. Thanks Mark! I'm also a big fan of ARtizan stuff. Teh LEgionnaires I'm working on at the moment are from their March or Die collection.

      The Belgians I have are from Great War Miniatures. I have seen the Brigade ones on their website and may pick up a few at some point to supplement my "Gallant Little Belgian" force. I was particularly excited when I saw they had Carabinier Cyclist (being a bit of a bike geek) - if only they had MOUNTED versions!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Tim, they look awesome!
    I have these models myself but am unsure what colours to paint the jacket and trousers. Did you use the painting guide from artizan?
    Thanks in advance

    1. Thanks Mike!

      I did not use the Artisan painting guide. I don't know that there was one available at the time. I painted these almost five years ago. I was probably using cheap craft paint at the time, often stuff I mixed up myself. The webbing was a colour like the Vallejo Khaki Grey I'm using now. Some of the jackets were a a cotton khaki others were wool flannel that I painted in the same colour I use for British uniforms...? The greens...? I don't remember. Sorry I can't be more help...

    2. The artizan guide says to use german camo beige for the jackets, but I'm not sure whether to use that or khaki. The trousers says to use US dark green or pastel green for a faded look. Not too sure what to do

    3. Experiment! See what looks right to you! There are always variations in actual uniform colours due to fading with use/washing/exposure to sun or simply from differing dye lots.
