Tuesday, July 16, 2013

What Have I Been Up To!?

Speaking of daft ideas... Look what I started this week.

Hands up! Who can guess what these are...?

Let's make a game of it - I will send one painted sample of each (whenever I happen to finish them) to the first three that can guess the a) Scale, b) Conflict, c) Nationality, and d) What the heck am I planning on using them for!? 

This may or may not be tricky - depending on how close you follow the blog. (You might find a hint in a recent post!) 

Guessing is open until I post the next progress picture... which might be tomorrow, because I'm really kind of having fun with this!


  1. I'm going to go with 40mm Great War Canadians.
    On a related note, have you been reading Saga? Related because I was just thing about how cool it would be to sculpt some of those characters.

    1. Well you got two right... so I'll send you some when I get them done. WHO CAN GET THREE?!

      Saga by Brian K. Vaughn? No, I haven't read any of that. I did read Y the Last Man...

    2. 28mm Great War Canadians for "Contemptible Little Armies".

    3. A good rational, sensible guess based on my past projects and escapades... but, no, you're actually getting colder...

      (I'm not having a rational, sensible moment here...)

      I did have one closer (or closer enough) guess, but I'm not going to publish it until I get another...

  2. Replies
    1. Close enough!

      Post your address in a comment here (which I won't publish here) and I will mail you one of each when I ever get them done... which, if I carry on as I have shouldn't be too long (by the end of the summer?)

  3. By the way, I'm a big fan of your "Fantasy Masters".

    1. Thanks! They were fun too. I should finish them up - there are three that are pretty much done, I just never got around to making moulds and casting them before the campaign fizzled... Maybe I should reboot the campaign!

      It's been too long since I did any modelling and casting.

  4. Replies
    1. Getting closer again... but not quite...

  5. Tim my guess would be your going to use them in some kind of Black Adder skirmish called "Trenchfoot in Mouth" or somesuch

    1. I've already got the Blackadder characters covered...

      Though, now that you mention it, I don't have them in THIS scale!? Of course the Blackadder series takes place in 1916 or 17... which is later that I'm planning for....

  6. Here's my guess. "Oh and then there’s the (probably daft) idea that I should abandon the 28mm 1914 Great War and model some Brits in 40mm to go with the French and Germans my friend John’s been working on". Thus, 40mm Great War Brits.


    1. ...aaaand there's number three. As with tradgardmastare, post your address in a comment here (which I won't publish here) and I will mail you one of each when I ever get them done... which, if I carry on as I have shouldn't be too long... but don't go holding your breath!

  7. I've got a bit more work done on these since yesterday's post. I hope to get some more owrk done on them this evening and then I'll probably have an update tonight or tomorrow...

  8. They are in fact 40mm 1914 British to go along with the Germans and French that my friend John is making. What's particularly daft about this is that I HAVE 1914 Great War stuff in 28mm - including British, French, and a few Germans and Belgians... (though I don't have any of the British posted in that gallery... I'll have to get on that...

    Anyway... even though it's a bit Silly!, I'm having fun with it - and that's what hobbies are all about, right?

    We may end up using a modified version of the 19th Century European Wargame rules we used for his other 40mm figures...
