Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Masked Nasties

Took a break from assembling and prepping minis last night to actually paint a few. I’m not sure what these are called – they’re some sort of creeptastic masked zombies or perhaps tainted with some dark plague… I can’t remember. They’re kind of cool looking though…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

These figures were made by AEG (or Wizards of the Coast or whoever was making miniatures for Legends of the Five Rings Clan War?).

Hmmmm... I might have liked a bit more contrast in the masks.... Ah well... 

I kind of like them...

I seem to recall there being lots of undead or zombie like plague-tainted minions of the Shadowlands involved in the Clan War. Zombies always make a good generic baddie. Unfortunately looking at my own collection of zombies (all 120+ of them painted so far) and they all have a very “modern” look to them. So looking about for some more generic fantasy zombies I came across Mantic Games Kings of War zombies – just rotting bodies with scraps of cloth hanging about their midsection. They could be made to look timeless.

So I think I’m going to pick up a few of those in the new year to use as baddies in my new L5R campaign that I’m running for the kids now. . I can paint some of those scraps of cloth hanging bout their mid sections with colourful patterns – to look like shredded kimonos. I also picked up the kids some of the Wargames Factory Samurai and Ashigaru - When they're done with those I could scavenge a few spare armour bits or helmeted heads to do some converting...

I’m not a fan of the plastic figures, but the price just can’t be beat. I’ll probably pick up some extras to make some Hordes elements of Hordes of the Things.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I have a Shugenja and a few more Samurai and Ashigaru that I’m working on… They’ll probably be next. 


  1. These are great Shadowlands Plague Zombies. I'm actually painting some right now and your blog seems to be the only place on the web with painted examples.

    1. Thanks! There were so many fun minis in that line. It's a shame they're so hard to come by now...
