Thursday, February 20, 2014

The River Ford

Tomorrow kicks off the 10th Annual Wargaming Birthday Bash/Winter Wargaming Weekend and I’m getting pretty excited. I’m just finishing off the final two battle boards, but I thought I’d take a quick break while things are drying to post some pics of the second one I finished up yesterday:

The River Ford

(not quite as epic as The Mountain Pass, but hopefully it will be sufficient for a few fun-fille frays!) 

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

Early in the building process. I think at this point it’s just covered in gesso – which is something I don’t normally do… but a big jug off it fell off the table an the lid popped off and exploded the contents all over the floor and room… and what I scooped up I painted over this board and some others I had started… because… well… because it was too dirty to scoop back into the jug and would be just too much a waste to scoop it all into a garbage bacg…

Skipping on ahead after gooping everything and doing the brown and sand on the reads and river banks… here we see the sawdust being glued down that I use to make the grass and forest floor texture. I press a lot of sawdust on and then later brush the excess off.

First coats of paint on the grass and forest floor (the brown patches).

Highlights on the grass and forest floor and my first stab at painting the river, which I was pretty pleased with… then I planned to coat it with some gloss varnish and I thought I’d add a little transparent blue to the varnish to just make it look a tad more… well… blue…

Ruined it. Too much, not-so-transparent blue….

And here we are with the finished product – a bit more highlighting and the river repaired.

Here’s what it should look like in use (with the trees in place and all that...).

Opponents facing off at the ford…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Two more Terrain Tiles/Battle Boards and then some game reports of the weekend’s shenanigans! 


  1. Hey Tim, looking good! Are all the boards your making 4'x4'? You may have already mentioned that previously & I may have missed it.

    1. Thanks Terry!

      These ones are ~3'x3' (actually 90cm x 90cm - which is ever so slightly less...). Ronin and Song of Blades and Heroes are played on smaller boards like this.

      Actually I think DBA2.2 25mm games are also played on 3x3 boards - though I never really have - I prefer 4x4 for DBA/HOTT.

      I also have a bunch of MDF cut to make a pile of 2x2 and 1x1 boards that would all be somewhat modular - more roads and rivers and swamps and woods and a couple with hills and some clear ones... but I haven't really done much on them as getting the battle boards done for this weekend has been the priority.
