Monday, March 10, 2014

The Happy Halflings of Hobbithove

I almost completely forgot to post these here…

I've been taken with the A Song of Blades and Heroes rules lately and have been playing it with the kids a bit. I thought I'd finish up a few halflings I've had kicking around for a while to form up a warband of them.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

A Batch of assorted Halflings – mostly from Games Workshop.

These lads, I'm pretty sure are from Games Workshop.. I've probably had them... oh... a while and I'd pretty sure I had them painted before and a few years back stripped all the paint off to repaint... but then didn't get around to it until now... The tall square shield Is actually a spare I had left over from a batch of Foundry Picts I painted up a while back.

These guys are also from Games Workshop. I picked them up a few years back off ebay when we were playing a lot of Hordes of the Things. Actually I have another eight of these that are earmarked for a couple of stands of Halfling Shooters.

Also Games Workshop. I think I got them at the same time as the batch above.

The fellow on the left is from Prince August/Mithril Miniatures, which I got in some trade. The other fellow is one of the oldest miniatures I have. I have no idea who manufactured it. I bought it back when I was playing Dungeons & Dragons in the mid-late 80s and as with some of the others above, stripped all the old paint off a few years back - all that awful testors enamel paint I used when I first started...  

Here are all the halflings I have so far - all the painted ones (which is most of them) - that are singly based for skirmishing. I have a few stands of halflings for Hordes of the things and I have one or two other skirmishy halflings that haven't been painted yet - they're old citadel Lord of the Rings hobbits (the ones that were made in the 1980s). I have Frodo and Bilbo to paint (or rather RE-paint) sometime.

I’d like to pick up a few more – there’s a few from Battle Forge I wouldn’t mind picking up at some point – especially the casualties! I thought I’d also make a few Hobbit Houses while I’m busy with the terrain building – to give them something to defend!

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I’m just finishing up some Elf War Dancers… working on the Dungeon Tiles… and a few more figures for A Fistful of Kung Fu – Hong Kong Movie Wargame Rules


  1. Excellent Tim, there are a great many long OOP figures amongst them which makes them even more fantastic!

    1. Thanks Terry! Does GW even make halflings anymore? (other than the LOTR HObbits) I tried looking on their web site to see if there was any and what they looked like these days and couldn't find a thing?

    2. Tim, not that I'm aware of, they had the Croop's (sp) Halfling Fighting Cock's archer set & the Hot-Pot for the Dogs of War units. There are also the Halfling Bloodbowl players, one of whom I use for my Mordheim band that has a pot on his head. They are easily converted if found.
      Reaper also has/had some nice looking hobbit figures.

  2. Great painting, but man your Hobbits are not exactly Hollywood pretty, hey? No way they'd ever pass the casting call for the final Peter Jackson movie. The bowman on the right in particular needs a good ortho plan.

    1. Yeah, these are the hobbits from the "other side" of the Shire...

  3. Nice work! I have a few of those GW halflings (probably enough to make up several stands of spears and archers if I ever get around to doing something like HOTT). I also have some newer Foundry halflings that fit in nicely with the GW ones in terms of proportions and general style (as opposed to the LOTR hobbits from GW or some of the thinner, less cartoon-like halflings from other sources). (of course, the Foundry ones are not chap, but I like the style and the variety of different characters).

    1. Cheers!

      I wasn't even aware Foundry made halflings! (or if I ever was, I've forgotten!?). I will have a look at those!

  4. Your stuff looks great! I am enjoying the Blog immensely. I'm so inspired I decided to return to my roots and squeeze in some fantasy stuff aside from my regular WWII figures. My DM's guide has a big red Efreeti on it probably like yours. I'm going with 15mm instead though.

    1. Thanks!

      Actually I don't have the one with the Efreeti on it. I started playing "Basic" D&D in... oh.. 1982? I don't think I actually bought the AD&D books until about 1984-5 and by then they had new cover art... I DO still have my original DM's guide, Monster Manual and Player's handbook - despite many purges, I've held onto them.... never look at them... but I've held on to them.
