Monday, April 7, 2014

Napoleonic Highlanders

I picked up a small batch of Wargames Foundry Napoleonic Highlanders off ebay a while back – not enough for a big battle unit… so I’m not sure why I bought them… seemed like a good idea at the time, perhaps? They’ve been sitting primed and based in a box for a few years and I decided to put some paint on them – just in case I ever decide to have a go at Song of Drums and Shakos.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

Most of these Jocks are from Wargames Foundry - though there is one from Victrix!

There's a mix of Flank Company (Grenadier's and Light Infantry) and Center Company Jocks in this batch... but who's going to notice!? 

The pioneer on the left is from Victrix, nest to him is a Jock from Wargames Foundry. I'm not sure if the Victrix figure is still available - I can't seem to find it on their website...?

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

The end of our first Song of Blades and Heroes Campaign. After five games everyone had pretty much decided they'd had enough of this one and are keen to start another. Before we do that, however, I'd like to get a bit of painting done, make some more terrain, and play a few one-off games to try some things out - including some different versions of the rules - including Song of Drums and Shakos, Of Gods and Mortals, and A Fistful of Kung Fu... maybe even Tale of Blades and Heroes. 


  1. very cool stuff! i really like the way you paint!

  2. Nice work on these; I have that Pioneer too - I think he came with a command pack IIRC.

    1. Thanks Dean! Yes, I think it was a pack of two mounted Highland Colonels... and the pioneer...?

      I suppose I need to find those Colonels and get them painted now!

  3. Very nice miniatures, Tim !

    The pioneer is one of Victrix's older metal miniatures. A year or two ago they sold their whole metal range to Brigade Games who announced to make it available again and expand it at that time. I'm not sure but I'm afraid the haven't done either until now...


  4. They are excellent! I'm inspired to do some Drums and Shakos stuff too. Brilliant job :)

    1. Thanks Mike! I'm going to try and get in a game of Drums and Shakos this week - should have a game report up by the weekend!

  5. Great looking Highlanders, love the pionner!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Wow, they look terrific. The tartan is perfect.

  8. Fantastic work! The tartans are unbelievably well executed!
