Sunday, April 13, 2014

Napoleonic Prussian Landwehr

Here is the rest of the Napoleonic Prussian Landwehr from Warlord Games that I picked up in a recent order from Woodrow’s War Store while they were blowing out a lot of stuff… and probably still are… but I am going to resist going back and ordering any more… I’m painting these up for Song of Drums and Shakos.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

Landwehr running at trail arms.

In the end I decided to go with the green facings for Westphalia. Not because they would be particularly useful or because they fought at actions I want to recreate (I honestly don’t know that much about the era) – I mostly did these because I thought the colours looked nice…

This includes the two previous samples I painted.

The arms carrying the muskets were a separate piece that had to be attached. One of the arms was miscast or broken off at the fist – so there was arm, fist, the butt-stock, but no fore-stock sticking out the front end of the fist… If it was broken it was broken before it was put into the packaging as the missing bit was nowhere to be found… Luckily I had some other German firearms on hand…

Er… heh… heh… Wonder how long it will take anyone I’m playing with to notice…

The dead and dying…

I have as many dead and dying Prussian Landwehr as I have live and fightin’ ones…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I did get in a game of Song of Drums and Shakos with Finnegan yesterday – so now I have TWO game reports to get around to posting now! I have a few British Napoleonic Riflemen to paint up… after that…? Maybe some posts with pictures of some of the new terrain I’ve been working on..? maybe some work on a few things I promised other people I’d do for them (too long ago!?) 


  1. What a beautiful work with this Landwehr!

  2. Very lovely. Green was a good choice. I like the Harry Turtledove style man too!

  3. Very nice.
    Liking the colors is as good a reason as any.
    (nice repair work on the one figure. heh heh)
