Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The Battle for Boglen Wood – Round Three

Over the weekend, Amanda joined in and we played a few more games of Song of Blades and Heroes for our little campaign.


First off Amanda’s elves took on Keira’s Explorers. They didn’t take kindly to outsiders prowling in their woods – especially those who are planning to steal away ancient magical artifacts that they are protecting!


The Elves of Bolgen Wood (Amanda)

Elf Elite Archer Leader
100 Points, Q 2+, C3, Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim, Leader

Elf Elite Archer
70 Points, Q 2+, C3, Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim, Good Shot

Elf Elite Archer
70 Points, Q 2+, C3, Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim, Good Shot

Elf Archer
55 Points, Q 2+, C3, Shooter (Long)

Total 295 points

The Explorers (Keira)

Human Infantry Leader
70 points, Q 3+, C 4, Leader, XP 2

Human Wizard’s Apprentice
30 Points, Q 4+, C 1, Magic-User, Spell Scroll, XP 2

Human Elite Archer
50 Points, Q 3+, C3, Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim, XP 2
(Moderate Injury – Q 4+ for this game)

Human Elite Archer
50 Points, Q 3+, C3, Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim, XP 2

Human Elite Archer
50 Points, Q 3+, C3, Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim, XP 2

Human Elite Archer
50 Points, Q 3+, C3, Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim, XP 2

Human Warrior
30 Points, Q 3+, C3,

Total 330 points


(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

The Girls get ready to face off. Amanda’s only really played on brief game before this and needed a lot of reminding how it all worked…

I swear every game played so far has started with a “turn over”!?

Elves moving up and taking some long distance pot-shots and the humans.

Elves in the woods.

Moving up to coverd locations where they could shoot at the (slowly) approaching humans

Said (slowly) approaching humans.

One of the Humans was taking out with bow fire from the elves… then, for a bit it, bogged down into shooting at each other from cover with very little effect. Combined with having to explain the rules over and over to Amanda. It got a bit late and Amanda decided it would be better to finish the game off in the morning.

So… next morning…

Keira charged her leader into close combat with the Elf leader and was knocked down – another elf rushed up to kick the Human while she was down…

Human leader was taken out and most of the others fled. A bit..


Both the girls still in their pyjamas… I’m not sure why Amanda’s wearing a toque indoors, it wasn’t really THAT cold in the morning…

Another was taken out and combined with those that fled another morale test was required and saw a few more flee off the table… at that point Keira decided to pack it in…

Checking on those injured it was found that the leader and archer were DEAD!? The other injured Human warrior was seriously injured and would have to miss the next game – leaving Keira with the apprentice wizard and four archers to play with!? Now all those surviving got their 3rd experience point so a bunch increased their Quality or Combat stats – but that won’t nearly make up for these terrible losses. I think this has been our bloodiest game yet!

To make matters worse Keira only collected 5 gold in income!? I’m not sure how that worked, I think she would have been entitled to the “Underdog Bonus” Amanda only collected 10 gold – also not helping her to catch up with the rest of us.

During Exploration Amanda found a Magic Well – and chose to pass it by… Keira found a Forgotten Keg and decided to sell it for one more gold.

As I mentioned Keira increased the Quality or Combat stats of her surviving member and then hired a new Human Leader and a Human Light Infantry (Amazon slinger).


Later that evening Finnegan and I went toe-to-toe again (or toe-to-claw, as the case may be…)


Baron Phillipe Lapin’s Men-at-Arms (me!)
1 Campaign Point, Tough as Nails, Retain the Initiative

Baron Phillipe de Lapin - Human Infantry Leader
70 points, Q 3+, C 4, Leader, XP 1

Gaston - Human Elite Archer
50 Points, Q 3+, C3, Shooter (Long), Unerring Aim, XP 2

Renauld - Human Archer
44 Points, Q 3+, C3, Shooter (Long), XP 2

Jean-Luc - Human Archer
44 Points, Q 3+, C3, Shooter (Long), XP 2

Pierre - Human Warrior
30 Points, Q 3+, C3, XP 2

Claude - Human Warrior
30 Points, Q 3+, C3, XP 2

Patrice - Human Warrior
30 Points, Q 3+, C3, XP 2

Louis - Human Warrior
30 Points, Q 3+, C3, XP 1

Francois - Human Warrior
30 Points, Q 3+, C3, XP 0

Total 358 points

Champions of Lagozed (Finnegan)
1 Campaign Point, Retain the Initiative

Lizard Man Champion
82 points, Q 3+, C 4, Amphibious, Tailslap, Tough

Lizardman Warrior
52 points, Q 3+, C 4, Amphibious, Tailslap
(Moderate Injury – Q 4+ for this game)

Lizardman Warrior
52 points, Q 3+, C 4, Amphibious, Tailslap
(Serious Injury – misses this game)

Lizardman Warrior
52 points, Q 3+, C 4, Amphibious, Tailslap

Lizardman Warrior
52 points, Q 3+, C 4, Amphibious, Tailslap

BufgBear Warrior

Total 290 points



(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Again the Baron found himself defending a camp near the river.

Once again I started the first round with a “Turn-over” but made use of my new “Retain the Initiative” warband ability to ignore it and rage ahead…

By the end of my first turn the Men-at-Arms were defending the riverbank! The Archers were moving up on the flanks and getting ready to cover the approaches.

All of this, I realized, was silly as the Lizard men are amphibious and could cross the river ANYWHERE without any trouble…

Turn Two… Seriously…? SERIOUSLY!?! WTF is THIS crap!?

Ah well… we’ll let them come to us…

Finnegan seemed to think flanking around the edge of the woods was a better idea than charging straight into the halberds of the Men-at-Arms. Not a bad plan…

So I redeployed my Men-at-Arms to be ready for them wherever they crossed.

Harassing them with fore from my archer and crossbowmen… not that it did much against their scaly hides.

In the end they crossed at the ford anyway – mostly so the bugbear wouldn’t have any troubles.

My elite archer took down the bugbear. After our last battle – and discovering that models taken out on the field of battle don’t necessarily DIE there was 100% less tears when this happened. I pointed out all we know at this point was that the bug bear was hit by arrows and fell down in the river with a big splash and took no further part in the battle… could be injured… could just have decided not to take any further part…

Somehow my shooting got better – at point blank range – and we knocked down and pushed back various lizards at different points.

Finally we took out another one and Finnegan decided charging his remaining three into battle with my NINE would probably not go well for him, the rest of his lizards fropped down into the stream and swam off…

As it turns out that Arrow hit the Bugbear in the neck and he bled out in the river and died… but Finnegan took it rather well. The Lizard that fell in battle made a full recovery.

I took in 20 gold (plus five for my Ale House that I acquired last game!) and Finnegan brought in 40 gold (having claimed the Underdog Bonus)!?  

During exploration Finnegan’s leader got an illness, but took some herbal remedy and shook it off… In my own wanderings I came across a Blessed Paladin and she joined out band of warriors!?

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

The next round of the campaign – Amanda and I will pair off and Finnegan and Keira will face each other again. 

1 comment:

  1. Great reports/games! (although you might want to have those dice checked out (or replaced!) ha!

    Seems like elite archery is a good thing to have on one's team. But maybe not so much on one's opponent's team.
