Friday, May 30, 2014

Egyptians, Nubians and… Superheroes?!

A few more odd items rolling off the workbench…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

Ancient Egyptians from  Black Tree Design.

I’m not sure how I ended up painting these and the Nubians below…? Perhaps I was thinking I’d play Of Gods and Mortals…? I’m sure it made sense at the time when I pulled them out of the drawer.

Nubian archers, also from Black Tree Design.

Nubian civilians from Wargames Foundry

After playing that first game of Power Legion last weekend I got to thinking I should paint up a few more of the old Super Hero figures I had kicking around.

A Super Hero from West Wind Productions.

And another Super Hero from West Wind Productions.

I should really make up some names and powers for them and stat them up! 

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I’m hoping to play a few games over the weekend – especially a few more play tests of Power Legion!


  1. Excellent work, love the Egyptians especially!

  2. Nice work on this wide variety of figures, Tim

  3. Thanks guys! Got some more weirdness coming up today...
