Thursday, June 26, 2014

Ancient Germans and Picts

A few more ancients for skirmishing… These lots finish up the individually based Ancient Germans and Picts I currently have. I should get working on their respective DBA armies – the Picts, at least, are half done! I probably will.

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about what to do over the next year or so. This year I’d like to get working on a bunch of my ancients – some individually based for skirmishing, some on multi-figure bases for DBA/HOTT. I have Egyptians, Nubians, Ancient Germans, Picts, early Imperial Romans (at least 3 DBA armies worth!) and Ancient Greeks (at least four or five Hoplite DBA armies, 5 Alexandrian Successor DBA armies, and an army of Amazons), Thracians, Skythians, Indians… wow… now that I think of it I have an awful lot. It’s almost embarrassing (if it weren’t for the fact that most of my readers also have multiple unpainted armies in their own storage closets…).

Perhaps I won’t get them all done - especially since I’d also like to finish up painting the Great War stuff that I happen to have (3 battalions of Canadians, one of French, plus assorted artillerymen and guns) and built the terrain for the Third Canadian Division’s area of operations at Vimy. I probably won’t be picking up any more figures (to complete a third brigade for the Third Division) as I’d really rather not buy any more figures this year. As it is I’ll have to paint 20 figures a week for the rest of the year just to match the number painted with the number acquired!

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

A few more Ancient Germans from Black Tree Design

Picts – a mix of Black Tree Design and Wargames Foundry.

I took some pictures of the other Picts I have done so far, thinking I'd add them to one of the galleries I have (over to the left there...). I'm not sure if i should put them in the 28mm Ancient Rome, Enemies, etc Gallery or the 28mm Dark Ages Gallery . The Picts are a bit late for my Romans - which are mostly Early Imperial types... and a bit early for my Dark Ages  - which are mostly 1066 -Viking-Normans-Anglo-Saxon/Danish... I'll probably put them in the Roman one... and if they ever face off I'll pretend the Romans are Middle Imperial... 

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I DID get around to doing another play-test of Power Legion on the weekend, but haven’t had a chance to post a report. I’ll probably get to that next.

After that…? Likely some more ancient stuff. I have a bunch more Roman civilian types on the workbench. 


  1. Very nice work. Really like the 'tartan' cloak and tunic on the Pict's in the right of the photo.

    1. Thanks Mark! I find it tedious work, that sort of tartan (especially when working on a batch of them - which is why I do it on less than half of them!), but I'm generally very pleased with the results when it's all done!

  2. Nice painting on some equally nice figures. I do like that crested helmet.

  3. Wonderful brushwork as usual Tim. I always admire your hand painted shield designs mate.

    1. Thanks Millsy. The truth is I'm just too cheap to buy shield transfers...

  4. Fabulous work once again, tartans are just amazing!

  5. Really nice work Tim; I have a pile of stuff to paint, but time has, unfortunately, been very pressing of late. Ho hum...

    1. Thanks Monty! I know that feeling well. Looking back over the last few years I've posted on this blog an average of 10-12 times every month. this is my third post this month... On the plus side, things are looking a little less hectic next month, for me at least!
